Elevate Data Quality 5.5 Installation Information

This document outlines the information needed by a Elevate Data Quality Support Specialist to remotely install and configure Elevate Data Quality 5.5 Enterprise Edition and the Elevate Data Quality database environment.

Establish Remote Access

The Elevate Data Quality application support specialist from Instructure will need remote access to the server on which Elevate Data Quality will run in order to install and configure the software, and import and configure the data certification Project(s). This access typically takes the form of a Virtual Private Network (VPN)/Remote Desktop Connection.

  • Set up external VPN access for the Elevate Data Quality specialist.
  • Set up a Windows login account for the Elevate Data Quality specialist.
  • Test the new VPN access from outside your network on a computer with a dynamic IP.
  • Verify that the Elevate Data Quality account has the ability to maintain a remote desktop connection to each of the servers that you’ve set up (Database Server and Web/Application Server.)
  • Verify that the Elevate Data Quality account has local administrator rights on each of the servers that you’ve set up (Database Server and Web/Application Server.)
  • Communicate the VPN access and Windows login information to the Elevate Data Quality specialist.

Set up a System Administrator Account for the RDBMS

Elevate Data Quality uses multiple databases to perform its data certification processes. The Elevate Data Quality specialist will require an account for the RDBMS installed on the database server, capable of creating and maintaining databases and capable of creating read-only users to the databases for the Elevate Data Quality server to access.

  • Create a system administrator account for the RDMS installed on the database server.
  • Communicate the user name and password for this account to the Elevate Data Quality specialist.

Provide Read-Only Account to Source Databases

Elevate Data Quality requires read-only access to the student information system, in order to perform data certification.

  • Provide a read-only account to the source database, able to access all relevant tables.
  • Communicate the user names and passwords for these account to the Elevate Data Quality specialist.

Add Elevate Data Quality Databases to Backup Routines

As part of the Elevate Data Quality specialist’s installation and configuration process, five new databases will be set up on the database server. Once these databases have been created, they need to be included in the nightly backup routines:

  • Elevate Data Quality_REPOSITORY
  • Elevate Data Quality_OPERATIONAL
  • Elevate Data Quality_OUTPUT
  • Elevate Data Quality_WORK
  • PEIMS_INPUT (for Texas districts only)
  • CALPADS_INPUT (for California districts only)

A full database backup is recommended so the database can be restored on a stand-alone basis if needed.

Provide Elevate Data Quality Specialist with Information about Databases

Provide the Elevate Data Quality specialist with the following information for the student information system and the Elevate Data Quality DB Server.

  • Host name/IP address
  • DBMS Type and version
  • Port (if not standard)
  • Database name/Schema/Catalog

Provide User Information

Provide the following information:

  • LDAP host name and port
  • Base DN
  • Use SSL? Yes/No
  • Administrator DN/password
  • The field used for user name in LDAP

Provide SMTP Information

Elevate Data Quality requires SMTP connection for automatic email notifications.

  • SMTP server name
  • SMTP port
  • If user/password is necessary for outgoing email, please provide an account.

Identify and Discuss Your Overnight Run Schedule

The Elevate Data Quality standard implementation involves acquiring and validating data every night, and Instructure recommends this as your standard Observation run schedule.

  • Communicate to the Elevate Data Quality specialist any scheduled processes that might interfere with the Elevate Data Quality Observation runs (e.g., antivirus scans, system maintenance and backups, etc.)
  • Identify what processing time windows are available for the Elevate Data Quality
  • Observation runs (e.g., certain student systems may be undergoing batch updates in the evening and could be unavailable until a certain time later in the evening.)
  • Confirm your Elevate Data Quality Observation run schedule (e.g., nightly, weekend, etc.)