Helo, Hallo, Bonjour, 您好, Hola—or as I like to say, Howdy!

Community Team
Community Team
This content is over 24-months old. While the resource is still valuable to the Community, it is important to evaluate the content to ensure that it is still relevant and reliable.


Canvas is a global solution, so providing quality guides in multiple languages has always been a top priority for Instructure. Guides in Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English, French, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, and Welsh have been available for some time. However, only English, Portuguese, and Spanish guides could be found on our community site. The limitations of our previous community platform made publishing and organizing multi-language documentation difficult, so we housed many of those guides in a location outside of our Community. 

Now, with our new community platform, we have the automation of publishing and robust organization to house all guides in all available languages right here in the Community!

Where do I find guides in my language’?

We still have a little work to do to surface all of these guides better, but for now you can find them by selecting KNOWLEDGE from the top menu, and then selecting GUIDES BY LANGUAGE from the dropdown.
