6/24/21 Community Feature Implementation

Community Team
Community Team

What’s happening?

The Community team is hard at work improving the top level menu experience -- to better surface products you use, increase content options, and reduce menu scrolls! All of this work is being prepared behind the scenes for implementation on June 24, 2021. While implementing on June 24, you may experience:

  • missing menu items or see menu items in different places as things are being moved
  • broken links in the menu or links that go to the wrong page as links are being updated


How long will this last?

June 24, 2021 9:30am - 4:30pm MDT

We’ve given ourselves a window of time greater than we expect to need. We’ll update the banner and this blog when the work is complete. Subscribe to this blog post to receive notifications of updates.



How do I find things in the Community while the top menu is down?

home page.png

  1. Search the Community - The top level search bar of the Community will not be impacted
  2. Use Home Page Links to find what you’re looking for
    • Keep scrolling on the homepage for:
      • Featured content and top posts
      • Latest Blog posts
      • Posts from people you follow
      • And more….
  3. Write your question down, take a nice little break, and come back later
  4. Use a Google search to search for Instructure guides
Community Team
Community Team

The overall implementation is complete, we're now checking links.

Community Team
Community Team

Link checks are nearly complete.  We have a couple more to fix but we're nearing the final product!

Community Team
Community Team

And it's a wrap!  We're done moving and changing things for the day!
We'll be doing some more link checking tomorrow and we'll also post a tidy form where you can report any broken links or issues you may bump into.

Community Champion


It's been a couple of days and I don't see a form, so I'll mention a couple of issues here.

Have you tried using a keyboard to navigate the new header? Tabbing works until you get to the Canvas dropdown and then it navigates through all of those items without expanding the list to show the options. The URL at the bottom of the browser updates is how I know I'm actually doing anything. Once you've tabbed through all of the Canvas items (30 tabs later), then it will move to Additional Products.

If I press enter on the drop down list, then I can see them, but if I'm just tabbing without expanding the list, then it should move to the Additional Products.


I'm not sure if it's related to the changes, but kudos now seem to be incrementing or decrementing by 2 rather than by 1.

Community Team
Community Team

Sorry for the delay

Here's a link to the form: https://forms.clickup.com/f/a23gf-14/B8XCVV45FLTEAATLOF 



@James thanks for letting us know.  You're always great at discovering these things!

We did recently do some work with ranks/roles in the Community and I believe your super-user stats makes your kudos worth more!  I'll double check that though!  https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Community-Users/The-New-Community-Ranking-System/ba-p/470776 

Community Team
Community Team

@James we're pushing a fix for the menu now!

Community Champion

Awesome! Thanks Renee ( @Renee_Carney ), that's much easier to navigate.