Ideas Process Update

Community Team
Community Team



Hello Community!

While schools prepare for an upcoming academic term, Instructure welcomes an increased level of idea conversations shared by Community members. These idea conversations may include a request for a change in function, an enhancement, or a completely new feature within Canvas, Impact, Mastery Connect, or Elevate. In August and September 2021, we reviewed 764 new ideas. The Community Team looks forward to collaborating on many new ideas this year.

To better guide Community members, all idea conversations will use a new submission form beginning Monday, August 8.

Thank you in advance for your contributions and investment in the Ideas Process! How do idea conversations work in the Instructure Community? 

What is the feature development process for Instructure products? 


Why the change?

Your time and contributions to the Ideas Process are valuable! To ensure that the idea conversations you're investing your time and energy into are clear and detailed, we are updating our submission process. By using a form and prompt, all Community members will more clearly understand the problem you would like to be solved and how it would impact specific user roles. Additionally, you will more clearly communicate user needs to the Product Team to influence the current and future roadmap!


How do I use the new form?

You must be a Member to submit an idea. New Members will see a prompt on how to Rank Up In the Community to participate fully in Ideas.

First, confirm that there is not an already-existing idea with a similar title. Avoiding duplicates in this stage is very helpful. After confirming, click Continue and Post.



Second, select the product and the role. This is going to help us sort the ideas better for the Product Team.



Next, there are two prompts to address. If either of these questions is not answered fully or requires more detail, you’ll receive a note with a timeline to edit. 



Last, verify you are a human. We are trying to reduce the number of spam-like requests, and this will help!



The rest of the process will feel similar for those who have participated in Ideas before. Please watch for comments as a path for the idea is determined. When a suggestion or request is added, it’s important that the changes or additions are addressed promptly. 

While the Community Team strives to review each idea within three business days, during our busiest season (approximately August 15 - September 16), it may require a little more time to review all the idea conversations with the care and attention each deserves. We’re excited to learn from your contributions and watch all of the collaborative discussions unfold!

Community Member

I see the wisdom in this, and I can well imagine that you get overwhelmed by all the suggestions! I look forward to the 8th to share ideas.

Community Participant

I'd love to contribute an idea about rubrics, but somehow Canvas thinks I am a "New Member." I assume that is why I don't see the button "Suggest an Idea."

Within my own profile > Notifications, it says I ranked up to "Community Contributor" in 2021. Not sure who I contact about that. I've been using Canvas (and the Canvas Community) since 2018. 

Community Explorer

Same issue as the above. We have been Canvas users since 2018, and cannot post ideas as I'm apparently a New Member. Causing frustration in relation to the roll out of new quizzes

Community Member

I cannot get the assignment categories to sync up with powerschool. I have made the groups in Canvas that match powerschool. I go to Sync SIS categories and they will not sync. I used to be able to import categories from powerschool but that does not appear as an option. I am getting 1 Unassociated on each category and an inactive sync categories blue button.  Help please.

Community Participant

I hope this helps.  I keep finding multiple conversation threads about the same topics so I'm sure that there is a lot of duplication going on.  I'm afraid that has likely kept many topics from reaching what ever threshold up vote level is needed to move along to the next stage.

Frustrated that I can't post due to not having appropriate privileges.  I think that is a problem for support to help with, though, as my account shows that I've reached the rank of community member?

Community Participant

I can access the submission form now, thanks to whomever helped with my account permissions issue.