How do I view descriptors in an instance in Elevate Data Hub?
In Elevate Data Hub, descriptors are used to label incoming and outgoing data. A descriptor categorizes the type of data at a high level, and descriptors include values to further categorize data.
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Open Descriptors

In the Instance Navigation menu, click the Descriptors link.
View Descriptors
The Descriptors page displays information for all the descriptors in a selected data stream. Descriptor categories are listed on the left [1], and values for a category can be viewed by clicking the category name [2].
The Category pane displays all descriptors in the category, for both incoming and outgoing data. Unmapped descriptors are indicated by a Exclamation icon [3], and may need to be fixed before data passes out of Elevate Data Hub.
Select Stream

To view descriptors for another data stream in the instance, click the Stream drop-down icon [1] and select an option from the menu [2].
View Unmapped Descriptors
Incoming data may include descriptors and values that are not aligned with terms used by outgoing systems. You must map these descriptors to help avoid errors in your outgoing data. To view unmapped descriptors, click the Unmapped descriptors only toggle [1].
The categories list displays a pared down list of categories containing unmapped descriptors. Unmapped descriptors are indicated by a number specifying the amount of unmapped descriptors for the category and a Exclamation icon [2]. To view unmapped descriptors for the category, click the category name [3].
The Category pane displays a list of the Incoming Data Descriptors on the left, and descriptors in need of review on the right [4]. To map the descriptors, select an option from the corresponding drop-down menu.
Filter Descriptors
Categories may contain a large volume of descriptors and values. To filter values, click the Filter icon.
Outgoing Descriptor Status

Outgoing data descriptors may display several different statuses, depending on the receiving system. Available statuses include Matched [1], Excluded [2], Unmapped [3], and Pass-through [4].