How do I use the Watchlists page?

Watchlists allow you to track and easily view key metrics for selected groups of students. Watchlists also display links to view individual student information, including their scorecard. Elevate K-12 Analytics includes three kinds of watchlists.

From the Watchlists page you can create a new watchlist or view and manage your watchlists.

Open Watchlists

Open Watchlists

In the navigation menu, click the Watchlists link.

View Watchlists Page

In the Watchlists page, you can view watchlists available to you:

  • Created by You [1]: watchlists you created
  • Published to You [2]: watchlists someone at your institution created and shared with you
  • Published by You [3]: watchlists you created and published to one or more users at your institution.

Links to individual watchlists display to the right [4].

You can sort or search the watchlists using the Sort by links [5] or Search Item field [6].

You can also create a watchlist [7].

Note: The Published by You link only displays if you have permission to publish watchlists.

Sort Watchlists

You can sort the displayed list of watchlists.

To sort the list of watchlists by date created, from newest to oldest, click the Creation date link [1].

To sort the list of watchlists alphabetically, click the Alphabetical link [2].

The selected sort link is bold [2], and the watchlists are sorted accordingly.

Search Watchlists

To search for watchlists by title, add text in the Search Item field [1]. Watchlists containing the exact word(s) display [2].

Open Watchlist

To view or manage a watchlist, click the watchlist title link.