[ARCHIVED] Canvas Users and content migration

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I need to copy my users and courses and their content from my old canvas instance to a new canvas instance, can anyone provide me with the steps to do it?



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1 Solution
Community Champion

Hi @Kumar1 

Are you talking about copying a course and the users enrolled in the course? If so, this cannot be done with Canvas. You can copy course content, but your users would need to be re-enrolled into the new course, and none of their submissions would move over. See, How do I copy a course into a new course shell?

Or, are you talking about moving all the courses and all the users from one Canvas Account to another? This cannot be done by a Canvas user regardless of their role. You would need to talk to the Canvas Professional services folks, and see if they could do it for you.

If you are talking a a Free-for Teachers (FFT) course, and moving it into a paid school account, see my first answer above. You can copy your course content, but no the users and not their submissions. You might also want to open a conversation with your school's Canvas Admin.

If you are talking about an FFT course, and moving to another FFT course, then again, you can move the content but not the users.

Too many scenarios here, and if you could clarify, I might be able to help you more; but the bottom line remains, you can move content, not users.

Good luck,


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