Ability to add custom statuses in Gradebook


Current status options in Gradebook include late, missing, or excused. This feature idea would allow teachers to create custom statuses (e.g., extra credit, optional/required, core/elective, etc.). Ideally admins would have the ability to set and lock these at the institution level or allow the to be set at the course level.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Moderating

@jlubkinchavez Thanks for sharing this idea. Each custom status would need to be developed separately because it requires defining the parameters of that status relative to how the assignment is graded, and that status would have to be aligned with assignment settings—and would possibly need to be coordinated with various external SIS providers. In other words, the suggestion touches upon multiple features within Canvas. Each one would therefore need to be considered independently so that members and product managers can assess the use cases and relative need for each one.

Would you please identify a single custom status that would be beneficial to users at your school and write an idea focusing on that one? How do I create a new idea conversation in the Canvas Community? provides guidance on the need for singularly-focused idea prompts.

We've archived this idea because the complexity of development requires each status to be considered separately.

You might be interested in adding comments to this long-running and actively-monitored conversation around extra credit: Create a more simple, intuitive way to offer Extra... - Canvas Community 

Thanks again.

Community Member

Not sure if a subsequent thread was started about this, but one status that seems aligned with the current options is "extension granted" or something similar.

Community Explorer

It would be especially useful to be able to enter Absent or Quarantined due to Covid.


Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Archived
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

@juliadewees That's the topic of conversation at  Absent status.