[SpeedGrader] Ability to move through all assignments for one student in speedgrader

As I am looking at the speedgrader assignments, one feature that would be great would be that instead of per assignment, moving from student to student, but by student, moving from assignment to assignment. I am probably not the only one who has thought of a need to pick one student and then review their first assignment, second, third, etc. as teachers do that sometimes when they have to create a final grade. Right now, I have to back up each time to speedgrader to pick the next assignment and reopen speedgrader again.

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Community Champion

Just a quick note to everyone following this Feature Idea that the https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-13333-canvas-release-new-gradebook has this in the Gradebook (NOT within SpeedGrader, which I realize is the focus of this specific Feature Idea), which is a step in the right direction. Check the Grades Management heading in that document, specifically.  Once you open a specific student's grade for any assignment from within the new gradebook, you can quickly click to another assignment using the second set of arrow icons pictured in the screen capture under that heading, and then also get to SpeedGrader for the selected assignment.  Again, it does not quite answer this specific need, but it's close.

Community Contributor

Thank you for getting it closer. 

Community Participant

This feature would be wonderful! We have a use case scenario where our students go through a series of assignments to create a "portfolio" of assignments that are graded when all are done. It would be nice not to have to back up and go into the speedgrader for each assignment individually, but, rather, toggle between assignments for one student and grade them all at once.

Community Contributor

I would add to this idea, that instead of duplicating navigation options to access learners (i.e. from the drop down or the right arrow) it would be more useful if the right arrow could move to the next assignment and/or (even better if), a rollover drop-down could be triggered on the right arrow, offering the links to all available assignments in a similar way as is currently offered for sections.


Community Contributor

Super LIKE! Great idea David. 

Community Team
Community Team

The Radar idea stage has been removed from the Feature Idea Process.  You can read more about why in the blog post Adaptation: Feature Idea Process Changes.


This change will only impact the stage sort of this idea and will not change how it is voted on or how it is considered during prioritization activities.  This change will streamline the list of ideas 'open for voting', making it easier for you to see the true top voted ideas in one sort, here.

Community Participant

Is this idea no longer being considered then? I think it is a great idea, and I believe that it should be an option for the future to make Canvas more adaptable to different use case scenarios. Just my two cents....

Community Member

I keep getting more comments about how important this would be for teachers. With now 200 votes any idea as to when this over three year old need would be implemented?

I am getting tired of opening multiple tabs with different assignments and having to scroll through the students in each when I go to the next one. 

Don Quick

Colorado State University

Community Contributor

 @de_millington ‌ idea above, just adding a navigation arrow to take you to the next assignment would be SUCH an easy and necessary fix. PLEASE. 


Community Novice


The suggestion is far more than 3 years old. It was suggested repeatedly when Canvas was first launched. Those of us who were already using and forced off of leading LMS platforms were scratching our heads as to why this and other basic functions were not included in the original launch. It's like the Canvas people didn't even bother to look at the functionality of existing LMS platforms when they reinvented the wheel (making it square instead of round). I can't understand why this even requires a vote. It's such a no-brainer. My eldest son is a freelance programmer and he told me he could write the code for it in a few hours time. It would not be a difficult "feature" to add, he assures me. Since the Canvas programmers are so mystified by how to code it, they should hire my son and just get it done!