Ability to select multiple questions at once in quizzes and question banks


Why this is important

Many of our instructors import quizzes from other sources. When the quizzes are imported the questions in the quizzes are NOT in groups. Yes instructors can add groups and organize the questions into the groups for randomization; however, if you have a quiz with over a hundred questions, this process will become tedious very quickly since you can only move one question at a time. Times that by 12 or more quizzes and it becomes extremely time-consuming. I like question groups but the workflow is poor. There needs to be a way where you can select multiple questions at once so you can do the following tasks:

  • Move questions to a question group in a quiz
  • Change the point value of all selected questions in quiz or question group
  • Delete all selected questions from a quiz or question bank
  • Move all selected questions to question bank or question group.


🔎 This idea has been archived. While this idea isn't open for comments, it is an important part of Instructure’s idea conversations and development process. Contributions like this are valuable as Instructure prioritizes work on new or existing features.

Community Participant

Yes, Yes, Yes.

Very useful indeed. And Yes, why not there yet after years (yes, frustration). And no sign of it in Next Quizzes either...

Community Member

I've been using New Quizzes all school year.  I'm working on my finals and am beyond frustrated that this STILL is not fixed.  C'mon.  

I want to select whichever questions I want and move them to a quiz bank.  This should not be difficult.  

Community Member

So this ultra-basic yet immensely useful feature still hasn't been added?


Community Explorer

I would like to see this added too. I can't believe this feature has not been added to new Canvas quizzes yet. Also, whenever one question gets deleted/moved, the bank refreshes back to the first page. Currently, I am sorting through a bank that has 45 pages in it...

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Archived

Thank you everyone for contributing to this idea! We acknowledge that this has been a long-standing thread in the Community. Because Intructure’s product teams are no longer developing new functionality for Classic Quizzes, which is scheduled to be deprecated 2024, we are archiving this idea. We hope that you continue to participate in the Community’s Idea Process!

The resources in the New Quizzes User Group should help you get started with using New Quizzes in your courses. If you don't see the ability to enable New Quizzes in the settings area of one of your courses, please reach out to your local Canvas admin for information about its availability at your school.