[Peer Review] Add due date for completing peer review


The due date of the assignment reminds students to complete the assignment in time. When peer reviews are enabled students don't have an indication or reminder to complete the peer reviews before a certain date and time. When a teacher wants to access the given reviews, it would be necessary that the reviews have been added by students before the scheduled date and time.


Suggested solution

Add a reviews due box with which a date and time can be entered:


Also have this due date reflected in the To Do Lists and trigger notifications based on the user notification settings.


The guides How do I know if I have a peer review discussion to complete? and How do I know if I have a peer review assignment to complete? currently contain the text: Note: Currently the Due Date in the To Do List does not accurately display the due date for completing your peer review. If details about your peer review are not already included in the details of your assignment, please contact your instructor.

This would removes the confusion about the date in the To Do list and the notes in these guides could then be removed.



Note: please also vote for https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/8148-respecting-sections-when-automatically-assigning-peer-rev... 

Added to Theme

Community Participant

Very much needed! This has been an ongoing complaint from my teachers who are using the peer review feature. Currently they must create a separate Event on the calendar, or a separate Assignment, in order for a due date to be clearly visible to the students.

Community Member

Unfortunately, as it currently stands, students are able to submit the peer reviews basically any time after the reviews are assigned. This can be problematic, and cause the instructor to try to communicate a deadline outside of Canvas.

It's much more logical to provide a set of due dates/availability window for the peer review as well. It allows the instructor to communicate more accurately with the students through the system.

It will also help the students to plan more appropriately (i.e. "Oh, after I get the assigned review, I'd better get on that quickly, because my instructor will be grading within 24 hours").

Finally, it will mitigate the need for student initiated "negotiation" with the instructor. (i.e. "But, I could submit the review, I should get points for submitting the review.")

Community Champion

Hi  @caryn ‌, thanks for supporting the idea.

Currently the scope of this idea is to have just one due date and time specifically for the completing the review.

You mention a set of due dates/availability window, what do you mean by that?

Community Participant

This should be a feature. In a discussion forum, a peer reviewer cannot start his or her peer review until their peer has posted. I think there is the capacity to build something like this, since differentiated due dates actually set the peer review due date shown in discussions.

Community Member

Hi  @stelpstra ‌,

As the screenshot is currently shown, it is a little unclear for instructors whether Peer Reviews would be accepted late or not. In general, assignments throughout Canvas have the due date, the available from and until fields. Instructors are used to using this to configure both the first and the last day and time that students can submit the assignment (i.e. the availability window). My comment is mostly an appeal to make the peer review dates consistent with the other assignment date configuration.

Let me know if there are any additional questions/comments!

Community Champion

Hi  @caryn ‌, if I understand you correctly, you suggest to have it like this (same as with assignment itself):


I like the idea, and this also supports my other idea https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/8148-respecting-sections-when-automatically-assigning-peer-rev...

Community Champion

Thanks  @Renee_Carney ‌ for bringing the idea https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/1294-have-two-due-dates-for-peer-review-assignments to my attention which already has over 140 votes and is in Product Radar!

Community Member

As an instructor who uses peer reviews frequently within my online course, I really like and support this idea. I have changed all my rich text descriptions to say "Peer reviews are due 48 hours after assignment due date," simply because adding and changing the due date within the rich text each semester was becoming too time-consuming. Setting up a peer review due date would be beneficial to my students as well as many of them rely heavily on the calendar and to-do list to inform them of assignments and due dates. 

Community Novice

Without a due date for submission of the reviews, the peer-review tool is basically useless. I can't imagine why this hasn't been fixed. 

Community Novice

Is there a timeline for this? Due date for peer review is a must feature.