Add "Post Grade to SIS" check box to Grade book

  This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas


  Idea will be open for vote Wed. October 7, 2015 - Wed. January 6, 2016  Learn more about voting...


Currently, you must click to edit an assignment/quiz in order to see if the "Post Grades to SIS" checkbox has been clicked.  A feature that our district would like to see added would be to make this checkbox also accessible from the Canvas Grade book.  By adding a checkbox to each assignment column heading in the Grade book, instructors could take a quick glance at which assignments will be posted to their SIS when they click "Post Grades," and make any necessary changes.


This is what we are envisioning:

106207_canvas feature idea.jpgcanvas feature idea.jpg




  Comments from Instructure


Please take a look at the Canvas Beta Release Notes (2015-12-28)

Assignments, SIS Sync Icon section.


Please note that this feature was not implemented exactly as suggested, however, after checking with the poster and other voters, we are marking this as complete.  Please read the entire thread for more information.

Community Novice

Great idea! would be a time saver

Community Novice

Great idea! would be a time saver!

Community Novice

Thanks so much for the votes!  Happy to see that so many agree this would be a valuable feature Smiley Happy

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hey Friends, Gradebook Product Manager for Canvas here!

We have been working with the SIS team to design a fantastic interface that will give you a beautiful summary view of syncing with the SIS. We don't want to overload the gradebook with every single feature that exists in Canvas, so you will probably get to see a new page that will help you keep track of which things have synced, when they were last synced and help you troubleshoot any issues.

It's always a game of resources, so we're trying to get some resources devoted to making sure there's a better way to make sure your stuff is synced and to let you know when there's any issues. Stay tuned~ we may be able to show you some designs for what we're planning on once they've been vetted a bit more.


Community Contributor

This is great but it needs to be more than a summary view. The hardest part of syncing and not is keeping track of the checkboxes. If you have 30 assignments and only want to sync one (so that you don't overwrite any changes made in the SIS), having to go into each assignment/quiz to uncheck or to determine which ones are checked is the biggest and most time consuming problem. As you design, it would be great to keep this in mind and have the check/uncheck box (post to SIS box) on whatever interface you create--a page, in the grade book, etc.

Community Team
Community Team

Please take a look at the Canvas Beta Release Notes (2015-12-28)

Assignments, SIS Sync Icon section.

This new feature provides a single space to control the SIS sync. 

Community Contributor

This is great! it is easy to use, will save the teachers a ton of time, and will cut down on simple mistakes and overiding of grades in the SIS. Thanks!

Community Team
Community Team

Please take a look at the Canvas Production Release Notes (2016-01-09)

Assignments, SIS Sync Icon section.

This new feature provides a single space to control the SIS sync.

Community Champion

 @lsickler ​, did you see that this is now a feature? It's awesome!

Community Team
Community Team

 @lsickler ​,  @cwendt ​, Bill.Pratt​,  @glenn_phoenix ​, matthew.maurer​,  @kimberly_cauble ​ and  @stefanie_house ​

We were hesitant to mark this idea complete because it was a different implementation than originally requested.  From the positive comments above, I believe that we may have a very real solution for the problem you were facing.  Would you all agree that this idea could be marked complete?