Allow teacher role to see analytics after a course has concluded

  This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas


  Idea open for vote Wed. July 6, 2016 - Wed. October 5, 2016  Learn more about voting...


Currently once a course has concluded the teacher is unable to see analytics for that course. I would like a feature that allows the course analytics page to be viewable after the course has ended. At the moment this is something the admin role can have access to post course conclusion and the suggestion is to have this feature applied to the teacher role. This would allow teachers to improve their courses based on analytical information, presently the information isn't available after course end unless you're an administrator.


A teacher would not be able to change the analytics merely view what's already available. This information is currently available to view at an administrator level but no other roles. It would just be nice if the analytics for this time can also be placed in a read only viewable state rather than hidden.



  Comments from Instructure


For more information, please read through the Canvas Production Release Notes (2016-11-19)

Community Champion

Hi  @amy_sampson ​

This is currently possible in Canvas and is dependent upon settings controlled by your Canvas Admins. I would suggest talking to your account admins to see if you can get this turned on. This functionality is set up when Terms are defined - either manually or through integration with a student management system or using SIS imports. Below is a screenshot....


You can learn more about Term dates at How do I use term dates, course dates, and section dates in Canvas?

I hope this helps, and I suspect your idea will be archived, because Canvas already does this.


Community Contributor

Hi Kelley,

Thanks for this information and the screen shots. I am the account admin for our system and after discussing the issue I have with Canvas support was asked by them to submit as a feature request.

I would like a way for this feature to be applied to the teacher role indefinitely rather than having to set an end date within each term. At the moment this is something the admin role can have access to post course conclusion and the suggestion is to have this feature applied to the teacher role.

Having the course placed in a read only state after conclusion is still the preferred option, it would just be nice if the analytics for this time can also be placed in a read only viewable state rather than hidden.


Community Champion

Hi Amy, and thanks for clarifying this for me.

If I am reading you correctly, you would like courses to continue to lock at some point (term end, or a date chosen by admins), but you would like faculty permissions to include the ability to view Course Analytics.

Is this correct?

If this is correct, I did find a related archived request that you might like to review at , but I did not find anything current.

I will recommend that your idea open for voting during the next voting period, but I also suggest you clarify your idea to better reflect what you are asking, as this might help you get the votes need for this to move forward. I actually really like this idea, because course/grade security is maintained, but faculty still have access to the data they need to improve their courses.


Community Contributor


Yep this is exactly the feature I would like. I've amended the description so hopefully this makes it a little clearer.

Allowing teachers the option to see analytics on a concluded course would be ideal as they can use this to inform future courses within the platform. While it's great that administrators can see this I think teachers should equally be able to, or any role that deems the access appropriate. Ideally having this available as a permission within the roles would be the best solution.

Many thanks, Amy

Community Champion

Hi Amy, and thanks for getting back to me and amending your idea!


Community Champion

 @amy_sampson ​ I agree with you. We currently do what  @kmeeusen ​ suggested but there are disadvantages to this mainly that the courses remain in the active courses on the course list for instructors. This means the course list is long and cumbersome for them. In my testing a fully concluded course is not useful to instructors who mainly go back to review the course for data. If they can't view the data, then we can't fully conclude the course.

Community Contributor

Thanks snugent , hopefully this is a problem that resonates with a lot of teachers/administrators, keeping my fingers crossed when it opens for voting! Amy

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

This idea has moved to the next stage and will be open for voting among the Canvas Community, from Wed. July 6, 2016 - Wed. October 5, 2016.

Check out this doc for additional details about how the voting process works! Smiley Wink

Community Champion

When you say Analytics, are you referring to Quiz Statistics and/or Course Statistics? We have definitely found issues with instructors wanting Quiz Statistics in Concluded courses. That at least has a workaround.

Voting up ...

Community Contributor

Hi  @straussi ​, thanks for the vote! The issues we've been having is mainly with the "View Course Analytics" sounds like Quiz statistics might be treated in the same way in a concluded course. So if put through to next stage might be looking at these statistics also.

Many thanks, Amy