Assignment prerequisite requirements for a single assignment


It would be nice if I could make an assignment inaccessible to students until they have completed a different, previous assignment. We use the modules to represent a week's worth of work; so it's not like I can just put them in the same module and have it require them to work in order. So, with them being in separate modules, the only way would be to close off the entire subsequent module until the entire previous module is completed. But, it's only the one assignment inside of the module that I don't want them doing until they've completed a specific assignment from the previous week's module. I teach Language Arts and it's the readings for the novel. I just don't want them being able to jump around with completing chapter 1 here, then chapter 3, then chapter 2, then chapter 6, then chapter 4. I have several students who only see these as separate individual assignments and STILL haven't put together that it's parts of a whole. I should mention that putting the modules into weeks like this is a school-wide directed requirement. I just want to require my students to have read the chapters from the previous week, before beginning work on the current week. 

In other words, say I have these two modules:

  • Module: Week 1 
    • Intro page
    • Monday assignment
    • Tuesday assignment
    • Wednesday assignment
    • Reading assignment #1
    • Thursday assignment
    • Friday assignment
  • Module: Week 2
    • Intro page
    • Monday assignment
    • Tuesday assignment
    • Wednesday assignment
    • Reading assignment #2
    • Thursday assignment
    • Friday assignment

I would like to be able to make it so that the student is required to have completed Reading Assignment #1 BEFORE he/she can do Reading Assignment #2, but still allow them to complete the other assignments in Week 2's module. 

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Community Champion

I would also find this useful. In my class, I also use the Modules to organize weeks, and each week has multiple lessons and then assignments that pair with those specific lessons. Here is an example:

sample week modulesample week module

I would like to prevent students from opening, say, "Exercise 06.02" until they've viewed "Lesson 06.02" but without preventing them from opening that week's Paper Problems or the Meet Recording, and without preventing them from going on to a different lesson/exercise pair.

(I also want them to not get the "completed" checkmark unless they get a 70% on an exercise, but I don't want to prevent them from progressing in the course until they get the 70%, it's just for their own goal-setting and helps reinforce the difference between "turned in" and "done". As a result, each week has Module Requirements but doesn't require completion of the previous week's Module as a prerequisite, just the Week 00 orientation module.)

I'd just like to enforce that they've opened a lesson before taking the quiz on that specific lesson without turning every single lesson/exercise pair into a tiny module of its own.

Community Participant

There are a few related feature request threads about setting prerequisites on a per-item basis, and sub-modules as another way to help achieve this goal:

Community Member

Completely agree this is an excellent idea and very much needed!  

Community Member

This is a fantastic idea. There are many times in the year when I want students to complete assignments A, B, and C in any order BEFORE they complete assignment D. Right now I have to put assignments A, B, and C in their own module with assignment D in its own module with a prerequisite. It works, but it could be much more efficient. 

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As part of the new Ideas & Themes process, all ideas in Idea Conversations were reviewed by the Product Team. Any Idea that was associated with an identified theme was moved to the new Idea & Themes space. Any Idea that was not part of the move is being marked as Archived. This will preserve the history of the conversations while also letting Community members know that Instructure will not explore the request at this time.