[Assignments] Automatic Grading

As an instructor, I have students post discussion questions and responses each week. If they posted something, they get the points. However, there is no way to automatically grade these-- I have to manually grade each post... Please consider making an automatic grading system, so that the points show up in their gradebook as soon as they have posted. You will make a lot of instructors very happy... we rely on this type of assignment. 



Community Participant

Agree, somethings can be autograded, would be great to do that. 

Community Member

Very surprised this wasn't an option, thought I was losing my mind. This should be implemented.

Community Explorer

How is this still not an option?  Schoology has had this option for years and it is so helpful with things that are just complete/incomplete when you have hundreds/thousands of students.  

Community Member

I agree! Please add this feature! We have some assignments in place just to help students keep on track. They just need to upload something and they can get some points for doing so. This would be a big help.

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