Change Link Names to Reflect Tool Names

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

There have been a lot of minor updates to standardize terminology in Canvas (especially updating “wiki pages” to “pages”) but one place where non-standard language is still present is in the RCE sidebar when you’re editing pages. The links in the Course Navigation portion of the sidebar should match the actual names of the tools you are linking to (“Announcements” instead of “Announcements List”, etc.).



Here is a list of what is under “Course Navigation” and what I think they should say instead:


Current TitleSuggested Title
Assignment ListAssignments
Wiki HomePages
Discussions IndexDiscussions
Course SyllabusSyllabus
Announcement ListAnnouncements
Files IndexFiles


I don’t see an existing feature request that is similar. The closest is this one - Pages, Wiki Pages, Content Pages -- Need Consistent Naming in Canvas – but it’s broader and does not address the specific area.

Comments from Instructure

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Community Champion

I just had a faculty member email about this today. I'd vote it up if voting was possible Smiley Happy

Community Champion

I second this! (oh, wait).  +1 vote (oh, wait).   

Yes this is very confusing and I agree about the need for consistency.

Community Champion

Hi  @kenneth_rogers 

As you may know, the feature idea process is on hold while it undergoes major revisions. If you don't know you can learn more at Changes Coming to Canvas Community Feature Ideas When the new process is in place the Community Team will evaluate your idea.

I am a huge fan of consistency, it lessens misunderstandings and confusion, and this has been an area in which Instructure has struggled since the start. Perhaps it is the result of various product teams working on specific tasks in Canvas. Who knows! I have supported every feature idea calling for consistency, and will support yours if/when it opens for voting.


Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Thanks,  @kmeeusen ​. I appreciate your (potential) support. I am well aware of the revisions to the Community and have taken a survey or two to provide my feedback on how I think things should go. Even with that info, I wanted to get this idea in for a couple of reasons:

  1. Consistency across Canvas is key. This particular one can be pretty confusing in my opinion, and even if this doesn't get opened for community voting, hopefully it gets on someone's radar.
  2. I lacked the badge/points connected to a feature idea. This is my first feature idea I have submitted, so I have my own personal reasons for this submission (even if I lose that badge and points in the future!!). :smileydevil:

Thanks for the feedback. Even though this idea is On Hold for now, hopefully with Community Elite such as yourself posting here it will attract some positive change for Canvas.


Community Champion

Thanks for your reply Kenneth, but I am hardly "Community Elite", more like just another bug under the rug.


Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

 @scottdennis ‌ - is this another one of that would be considered part of y'all's project of "examining language in Canvas for clarity and consistency"??


Good Idea, Kenneth.  Thank you

Community Novice

Voting up one year later....

Community Team
Community Team
This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas 

For more information, please read through the 

Community Team
Community Team

 @kenneth_rogers  for submitting this idea, as well as,  @tdelillo  Thank You ,  @kschneider25  Thank You ,  @kmeeusen  Thank You , &  @myoung85  Thank You  for your contributions. Your investment in this idea helped refine a feature which is now part of Canvas!