Convert between Assignment, Page, and Discussion


There are multiple posts in the Question Forum about converting between Pages and Assignments.  I suggest that along with the Copy to... and Send to... options, you include a Convert to... option.

The goal would be to provide a fast and simple method of copying title, rich content, due date (if any), and point value (if any) information into a new course page (e.g. Discussion).  The old course page (e.g. Assignment) could continue to exist until deleted.  This workflow would be similar to that for assignment copies.

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Moderating

Hi @hburgiel,

We have an existing idea that suggests adding functionality to convert a page to an assignment and vice versa: Change Page to Assignment. You can add your voice to that idea by giving it a star rating and/or commenting on it.

However, your idea mentioned discussions as well. What conversion options were you hoping to see for a discussion? The option to convert to just an assignment or just a page or either?

Since there is an existing idea for converting pages to assignments and vice versa, your idea will need to be updated to exclude those for your idea can be opened for conversation. 


Community Participant

Thank you!  I hadn't found that suggestion.

I was suggesting that any of the three could be converted to any of the other three.

The problem I'm trying to solve is that faculty new to Canvas tend to create assignments, because that's the default option when adding items to modules.  I'd most like to be able to convert those assignments to discussions or pages, as appropriate.

Once you've added those two conversions, it seems to make sense to allow the reverse as well.

Community Team
Community Team

Hi @hburgiel,

From your use case, it sounds like you'd most want to convert assignments into a discussion or page or a page/discussion into an assignment. Since there's an existing idea to convert assignments -->pages/pages --> assignments, I'd recommend narrowing down your idea to convert assignments -->discussions/discussions --> assignments. If you'd also like to request functionality to convert discussions --> pages/pages --> discussions, I'd recommend creating a new idea for that so our community users can comment or vote on those specific suggestions. 


Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Archived