[Direct Share] Copying Assignments to Multiple Classes

There needs to be a way to copy assignments to multiple courses instead of one at a time. It is time-consuming for teachers. Going to Commons is time-consuming as well. We should be able to create an assignment in a course and then move to all the others. 

Comments from Instructure

This is a companion idea to Select Multiple Classes to Copy Assignments  . 

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Have you explored Blueprint Courses. This may be a good option for you if you are managing multiple similar courses.

Community Member

Hi Renee,

We are a K-12 district so we don't build our course at once. We need to push out assignments on a weekly basis. 

Community Member

YES!!!!!!!!! In our district, only the admin team can make blueprints so we have to copy the work we want to each class, one at a time.

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Community Member

This would be a real time-saver.  If I have an announcement or an assignment I need to push out right away, I should be able to click copy and then check the boxes of the classes I want to copy to, just like I can when I import from Commons.  Instead, I have to 1) click "copy to", 2) select a course, 3)click "copy" , then click 4) close --- and then start the whole process again five more times.  20 clicks and the time involved in loading- not to mention room for error- accidentally skipping over a class, etc..  

Community Novice

Thank you @care5 

I agree that this process could be improved. Right now I have 4 classes in different periods, but they are all the same content. Every time I want to share an assignment, I have to copy to it individually, find its place in the course sequence and then I have to go back in and move it from "imported" to "Formative" or "summative"  That is an unnecessary amount of steps to simply "reuse post" Literally a 15 step process that could be reduced to a checkbox item so that Block 1, 3, 4, and 5 all have the same assignment. Then if I want to move it or change the date I can.


Also a SYNC feature on the top would help so that if I forgot something from block 1 and wanted to modify it for all classes, I could just make the changes and "sync" it to the other 3 classes and not have to modify each assignment for each class. 

Thank you for your consideration 


Community Member

Agree with the need to copy an assignment to multiple classes at the same time. Having checkboxes would be great to determine which course the material would go to.

ALSO, the assignment should retain which grading group it is in instead of going to the imported assignments bin of death!

Community Member

Blueprint is not available to me. So now what?

Community Novice

I agree with OP. Alternatively the ability to select multiple courses when creating an assignment initially. It can be done in other lmps I feel like this would be relatively easy to add and incredibly useful.

Community Novice

YES!!! As a special educator I have several courses and want to copy assignments to all of them. It would be great if when you clicked on "copy to..." it would let you select multiple options at once as I don't want to put everything I make into the commons.