[Assignments] Move or Delete Incorrectly Submitted Assignments

If a student submits an assignment to say week 2 folder when it should have been submitted to week 3, currently there is no way to move that assignment to the correct location as the Teacher.  This core functionality exists in all other LCS.LMS and should be considered for inclusion in Canvas's core modules.


Brought over from the old Canvas Community

Submitted by: Michael Black

Date: 6/3/2011

Votes: 112

Community Novice

With my class students start and stop and different times (an internship).   Therefore they are submitting at different times which poses some different challenges with grading.  A student submitted Assignment B where Assignment C was to go.  I have to keep going back to see if she has submitted it (because it shows something is there) -- instead of just removing it and then going back to it when the correct document is there.

Also, there have been times when a student does such a poor job fulling the requirements of an assignment that in Blackboard I would just remove it and tell them to resubmit.  Can't do that in Canvas.   This is needed to manage the class better.  I read through other comments and there are many reasons why an instructor might need this option. 

A student makes a mistake and attaches the wrong document, it needs to be an option to remove it.

Community Novice

Agree.  I hope it can be added soon!  I need it now.

Community Novice

We have come across the personal information issue at our institution already and then just today, a student seemed to have submitted a corrupt file which froze Speed grader and made it impossible for the academic to continue marking (you had to close the browser).

I agree there are some potential problems, I think it would be good for certain roles to have the ability to delete submissions, not just any teaching staff. Or for the University to set this themselves. 

Community Contributor

I'm surprised I didn't notice this idea long, long ago. All users, including students, should have the power to delete and modify their own submissions until a deadline, if applicable. Currently, students have to post subsequent, iterative submissions, which is a clunky workaround to what is obviously a systemic functional omission.

Community Contributor

I have been pondering on the ability to delete submissions, and I think this ability should not be available to students -- only to instructors. I can see instances in which a student submits a paper that is clearly plagiarized and then wants to withdraw the evidence - and make just enough changes to mask the origin. I like the option to see the previous version if I so choose. If the student wishes for me to remove (or reject) a submission, I would like to be able to review  before doing so.  That does sound kind of power-driven, but I just want to understand the issue before all evidence disappears. 

Community Novice

In my case this is not a question about a good idea or  a special feature. This could be a question about data security. If a student ask the Instructor or an Admin to delete a submission we just need the possibility to do so. Every user has the right to ask for his data and has the right to ask for the deletion of her or his data. That's the way it is prescribed by European law.

Until now I have to delete all assignments because of the restrictions inside of canvas.

Community Coach
Community Coach

I haven't seen this mentioned, and if it was I apologize for the duplicate. But, if the deleting of assignment submissions is a allowed, I would like a way that an Admin could:

  • track who did it
  • when it was done
  • restore it if necessary

Because I can easily see an accident where there are two students with either the same name or a similar name and the wrong submission is deleted. If the submission was not an upload but a "type and go text" submission the student would not be able to re-upload/submit it easily. 

Community Participant

Another use case -- for program assessment we ask students to remove all identifying information from the artifacts they submit.  It would be nice to be able to remove submissions that aren't properly anonymized.

Community Team
Community Team

The Radar idea stage has been removed from the Feature Idea Process.  You can read more about why in the blog post Adaptation: Feature Idea Process Changes.


This change will only impact the stage sort of this idea and will not change how it is voted on or how it is considered during prioritization activities.  This change will streamline the list of ideas 'open for voting', making it easier for you to see the true top voted ideas in one sort, here.

Community Participant

Our institution just adopted Canvas this fall. And I had my first instance yesterday of students submitting a lab report to the wrong assignment. So it makes it difficult to keep track of my grades properly. And so I went searching for the answer and found this thread, which basically says there is no solution yet, even though it was brought up a few years ago. I agree with several posters who say that this is not a "feature,"--as in, something special, but rather should be just a standard part of the software--sort of a no brainer. Just like having wheels on a car is not a "feature." Not trying to be negative here, just realistic.  I think every teacher has students who submit to the wrong folder. So I voted for this and I hope it gets prioritized.