[Assignments] Move or Delete Incorrectly Submitted Assignments

If a student submits an assignment to say week 2 folder when it should have been submitted to week 3, currently there is no way to move that assignment to the correct location as the Teacher.  This core functionality exists in all other LCS.LMS and should be considered for inclusion in Canvas's core modules.


Brought over from the old Canvas Community

Submitted by: Michael Black

Date: 6/3/2011

Votes: 112

Community Explorer

Yes please!  This is an essential feature!  If there was a button in the speed grader that you could press to remove (and the students could see that it was removed in their gradebook by saying "incorrect assignment submission" or something like that) that would be fantastic!

Community Novice

Here's a situation where i want to delete a submitted assignment. I loaded fa district purchased course from the Commons which came with all assignments published. I added assignments to modules with prerequisites so that I thought students would not be able to get into an assignment early. But 2 gung-ho students. instead of working from modules, went straight to the assignments list and started working on quizzes not yet shown in the modules. Fortunately only two, and I found I could lock them, but not unpublish or remove their submissions. Note that they were showing as unpublished in my modules, but published in my assignment list.

Workaround - I copied an unpublished version of each assignment from a different course into the one in question and deleted the version students had worked on. Now they can restart the quizzes at the proper time after actually completing prerequisite work.

I know to prevent this in future I can hide Assignments and Quizzes from student view in their menu, but apparently mine was set up as visible by default.

Community Novice

I am disappointed to find this upgrade taking so long to implement.  I have a student that mistakenly uploaded a sensitive document from their scanner instead of their homework.  My TAs, that I need to grade assignments, can see it all semester, or I have to delete 630 student's submissions to remove it.  This doesn't happen often, but it should be an easy fix when it does occur - allow the instructor to delete files.

Community Novice

So I'm assuming Canvas has just marked this feature as "Essential but we don't want to make it" because every other system has it, and every other system I've graded on, I've had to use it (We only allow 1 submission) but of course students will submit the wrong assignment from time to time. Why hasn't this been implemented yet? It's two weeks into the new semester and I've already needed to use it at least half a dozen times, but instead I have to just write in the comments "Correct file sent to me via email. Here's the score". But that doesn't work when I need to let Turnitin do a plagiarism check...

Is there a help center for Canvas where people can suggest changes be made? Or are we confined to this journal that Canvas has apparently only made for us users to write in that they don't feel needs to be checked?

Community Novice

I would like to be able to delete accidental submissions by students. Sometimes students submit a file to the wrong assignment, and I am unable to delete that file submission.

Community Novice

I have the same problem mentioned many times in this discussion. I have a student who is very new to technology and uploaded a blank worksheet to several assignments. I have another student who submitted one completed assignment to the wrong assignment. I need to be able to delete or archive these. It makes it hard to track what the students still need to complete. Why has this been discussed for four years and never actually implemented?

Community Member

I would like to ad my input and if there is another way around it, please share. I have 4 class periods within 1 course. I created a quiz through Edpuzzle and placed it within a canvas assignment. Each class period had it's own quiz and I put open, until, and due times within that class period. One of my students from 2nd period somehow got into the 3rd period quiz and now that quiz is showing up in both the canvas gradebook and the Infinite Canvas gradebook because of his one submission. I transferred the grade into the right column, but it's still showing up because his submission is still there. If I could delete the submission, then it would solve this problem.

Community Explorer

@candydrabek Why I woud like to delete an assignment of a student? Because when they upload a document meant for not being graded in an assignment that should be graded, is it confusing for the teachers who grade. 

It would help me a lot: when there is nothing, I don;t have to grade something. When there is an upload, I need to grade. The assignment is open all times, but they should upload the final assignment after doing certain other things. I have that overview, but other teacher's don't have that overview. So, I would like to delete the document or let the student remove the document. It is annoying that that is not an option.

Community Member

I am a new Canvas this year.  I have search Canvas community and the earliest help question for this dilemma that I could find has been circulating since 2011.

I am a middle school teacher struggling with multiple submission to the wrong assignment during virtual education because of the pandemic .    And students are struggling to identify which assignments are which after they have submitted the wrong assignment.  Student frustration is really and they know how to show it.  They can resubmit assignments but can not see the previous uploaded assignment when they check submission details.  This lead to multiple assignment that are visible to the teacher only and time consuming to identify the correct submission to grade for the teacher.  I am working to have student label their submission prior to attaching or to double check before they summit.  Nonetheless this will happen accidentally or intentionally.

I have used another LMS system that allow removal of the incorrectly submitted assignment by having student's  to unsubmit an assignment then resubmit for the teacher to grade their work.  This LMS allows teachers to skip the student's submission that was not submitted to the correct assignment and only grade the assignments done correctly and return the graded work to the other students.  The student then could go back in and delete and resubmit for the teacher to grade.  This does mean that the teacher and student had to come up with a notification system after the work was completed correctly.  Student would simply notify the teacher in comment section of the assignment or email the teacher that the assignment was corrected and the work would then be graded by the teacher.  Solution to notification for both systems:  The LMS system can have a check box that student can select to notifying teacher that the work has been correct.  This would alert the teacher to check because the work is highlighted a different color in the grade book just like the color indicator in Canvas for late, missing and excused assignments.  I hope this can be implemented.  

Canvas has a lot of fantastic features that other LMS systems do not have.  Delete and Resubmit function is crucial to make Canvas user friendlier.

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Another LMS system

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Community Member

I too would like to remove errant student submissions. It's a common-sense way to keep the grading clean, and I know students would appreciate that too as they get anxious if they know they submitted an assignment incorrectly. Also, as long as there are time stamps to log activity, I have no problem with students being able to do this themselves.