Easier selection of a Course in Inbox


It is difficult to chose a particular course when posting in inbox. Example, I am teaching 3 courses on the same subject. When selecting a particular course in Inbox, the Section number, the last 4 digits of the class, is missing. I just see "FTE-210, Advanced Armorer" three times. It should allow me to chose from FTE-210 8161, FTE 210 8347, and FTE 210 8276.



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Things like this caused our institution to create a course naming scheme that got all of the important stuff at the front of the course name. That was back in 2012/2013. Since then, Canvas has made some changes that lessen the need to do that.

One of those is the ability to add a nickname for your course. If you nickname your course, then the nickname shows up in your Inbox when you go to communicate with the course. It's a personal nickname, though, so if you decide to call it "FTE 210 8347" or "FTE 210 9am" or even "Sally", only you see that. The students still see the full name of the course, unless it is changed within the Course Settings page or they create their own nickname.

The How do I view my favorite courses in the Card View Dashboard as an instructor? lesson in the Canvas Instructor Guide explains how to set a course nickname.

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Status changed to: Archived