Easily enter grades


We need a quick and easy way to enter grades.  Even in speedgrader I need to click on the grade box, enter it, click return, then advance to next student.  Wish I could add grades like an excel table!  Then I could enter the first grade, click return, enter next grade, click return...  This is essential for assignments turned in on paper!  I teach high school so I process a LOT of assignments and am spending too much time entering them into Canvas.


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Community Team
Status changed to: Moderating

Hi @NBenenati -

Using Chrome, I am able to press the Return key and advance down the column. I can also use the arrow keys to navigate the Gradebook. Upon the cell's selection, I'm able to type or override the score in the box.

Which browser are you using, and what do you experience?

Community Member

Thank you for contacting me.  It worked!  Now if only there was such an easy way to move through assignments marked complete / incomplete!

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Archived

Hi @NBenenati -

I'm happy that it works for you too! Thank you for replying and updating the Community Team about this request.