External Tool Submissions for Group Assignments


Does anyone else want to see group assignments enabled for external-tool submissions? Specifically, our faculty are interested in using Turnitin or similar plagiarism-detection tools with groups assignments.

Community Champion

Very much,  @jls2245 , and not only for Turnitin. Our institution works with a Canvas partner, https://community.canvaslms.com/community/answers/partners-platform/forclass?sr=search&searchId=d4a4...‌, which .is group-enabled and interested in using this.

Community Novice

I would also really love this feature. I've created my own LTI tool for Canvas for auto-graded code assignments in my class, and the lack of group support means that each group member needs to submit the assignment separately so they can see results from the auto-grader. This undermines the point of a group assignment, and will inevitably lead to inconsistencies among the grades within a group, and we'll have to manually reconcile these inconsistencies. A group LTI assignment would be much cleaner.

The LTI 1.1 spec seems to have a "Group" component, so there is perhaps a standard in place for passing the group information to an LTI tool.

Side note: I couldn't find a way to generate a "fake" submission on behalf of other group members, as a workaround. If anyone knows how to do this I would be very interested!

Community Contributor

For TurnItIn specifically, group assignments will be available "soon" if the institution is using the new Plagiarism Framework integration (currently in beta for TII). We're in the beta testing group for this, and will deploy TII in the Plagiarism Framework after the Spring term ends (June 2018). I wish I could link to a document about the group assignments feature, but I have only heard this by conference call so far. The ETA was for this month, if you're using the PF.

Community Champion

I have a notion that this is as much - if not more - for the external tool developers as for Instructure to make happen.

Community Participant

Is this out now? Is this an extra cost module?

Community Coach
Community Coach

 @h_carmichael ‌  @j_avneri ‌ Hey Joe/Helen, I saw this idea and thought it a great one especially when considering group assignments that require similarity reports through the TII LTI. Although  @rake_9 's comment above is worth noting, so please up vote if you think this is an idea #qub‌ would like to support.


Community Participant

Any news about the new plagiarism framework?

Community Participant

I would like this option for group assignments for FlipGrid. This would help make video discussions in larger classes more engaging for students. 

Community Explorer

People have been pushing this for a few years now, it seems. 

I'd love to do this with a Google Course Kit assignment, have students collaborate on a single doc, but turn it in as a group. The interesting thing is that you can do this fairly easily if you force a copy of a separate file in GDocs, and then they can just send you a link to the document. Strange then, that it can't be done built into Canvas.

Community Member

I would also love to have group assignments on FlipGrid. This will make lab presentations work much more fluidly now that we are on remote learning.

Community Participant

And I would love to have group options for Hypothesis, an integrated tool that allows students to annotate collaboratively within Canvas.  Currently, the only options are either to have the entire class annotate on the same document (not so great when you have 30+ students all commenting on the same PDF!) or create separate sections of a class--which isn't always an option as this is typically done by admin-only approval.

Community Novice

YES! I actually just joined this community to up vote this specific integration because I want to use Hypothes.is.

I want to incorporate it into my courses for next fall, but the only way to do so without the groups integration is a time-consuming mess.

Community Member

I need this too.

Community Member

It would also be good for quizzes to be assigned differently to different groups.

Community Explorer

Seconding @marchibald1 — I've been using Hypothes.is this semester in a smaller course, but I would really like to use it in conjunction with my pre-set Canvas groups. Ideally, the small student groups could each work together on an annotation and take the discussion to the forums—which could have immense pedagogical value.

Community Explorer

Yes!!  I want to assign my students a Google doc through the external tool, but since they are not coming everyday I only want to assign it to the kids in front of me. I can do this with discussions and Canvas assignments, but I would like it on everything!

Community Member

Hi I would love to have a group assignment with plagiarism detection - we currently use TurnItIn but that might change in the future. We had this option before we moved to CANVAS and now it is not there so it makes things much more difficult. Please, please make this happen. 

Community Member

Yes, please include this! I would love to see an integration with Hypothesis in particular so that I can assign smaller groups to annotate together. Right now, this is practically impossible with a large course, but the tool is great and I would love to be able to use it more.

Community Explorer

I've already commented here re: Hypothes.is for Canvas groups, but am commenting again because... I'd still really like it! There's a lot I like about Hypothes.is (and other external apps) but my classes are bigger next semester. Group integration would make using this and other apps much more useful.

Community Member

Yes, I'd like to see this capability integrated.