Features for setting up rubrics more efficiently


Many educators use the same kind of assignment several times during the semester/term, such as a weekly recurring assignment or one that comes up three or four times. When we design our assignment rubric, it is saved to be used again and this is a good feature. However, finding that rubric again is littered with problems. Here are some features, that if added, can make this much more efficient.

  1. Ability to default rubrics to be used for grading. Right now, I can add a saved rubric to an assignment, but in order to "use the rubric for assignment grading", I have to click on the edit rubric button, click "OK" to the javascript popup window, scroll down to the checkbox options, select it, and then hit the "Update Rubric" button.
    • I have to do this for every single assignment. For a weekly recurring assignment, that can be up to 16 times. If there are several assignments being repeated, this could easily end up being several dozens. It's ridiculous.
    • Instead, on the "Rubrics" page (found in the left side menu), there should be a feature or option to select that can default any/all of those checkbox options (i.e. "Use rubric for assignment grading") for all assignments that use rubrics.
    • A variation on this theme is to add this "rule" to assignment groups (ex. "All assignments in the 'Response Papers' assignment group that have a rubric are 'defaulted' to 'use rubric for assignment grading' or any other of those rubric options.")
  2. Rubric "ratings" can be divided according to the "enabled course grading scheme." Currently, ratings are set at all or nothing scores. New scores are divided roughly in half between those two ratings (i.e. "Full Marks 10pts" and "No marks 0pts"; thus adding a new score rating would be "5pts").
    • If tied to the grading scheme, then I could already have 10 ratings automatically populated wherein each criterion is graded according to the scheme. Like any rubric, this could then be edited to meet specific needs and then saved for reuse.
    • Instead of having to create several ratings and scores for each criterion, and doing the maths to make sure that a "B+" rating has the score of .89 of 6 pts, it's would already be set up.
    • The benefit is that it better reflects the value of the work. The current "split-in-half" model means that if I have 3 or 4 ratings total, the two new ratings may effectively still be "failing" the criterion. The result is that we're always editing the points values because, using the example above, 5/10 is an F -- and on the standard grading scheme, an "F" or "E" grade may start at 61 or 60 percent respectively. 
  3. Adding search filters into "Find a Rubric". Currently, after selecting "find a rubric" a window pops up and presents a list of all the courses in the left column, the titles of the rubrics used in that course in the middle column, and the actual rubric in the right column. Intuitively, I see the link on the right side that says "Manage Rubrics" and believe that will allow me to select the rubric I want. It takes me to the "Rubrics" page that lists all the rubrics used in the course. When I click on the rubric I want to use for the assignment, it just opens up the rubric. It doesn't actually add the rubric to the assignment. 
    1. Instead, I have to scroll through all the courses in the left column -- which cannot be sorted and don't appear to have any prevailing logic since I have published and unpublished alike, and not ordered by the semester. So the current course might be two-thirds of the way down the list with a spring 2018 course right before it and a fall 2020 course right after it. Another course in the same semester might be near the top. It's nuts.
    2. Intuitively, the first rubrics that should show up should be the ones the course is already using. 
    3. Secondly, there should be "sort by" options for: semester/date, course title, and rubric title. Keywords should also be made available.
  4. Algorithm suggestions for a rubric.
    • A.I.: "This assignment title user is creating is similar to this other assignment title user already created, which is also in the same assignment group. That assignment uses a rubric. I shall suggest this same rubric to user: 'Would you like to use XYZ rubric to this assignment?'"
    • Me: "Yes!"
  5. Adding a rubric in the "assignment editing" mode. Right now I have to save the assignment and then scroll down to the bottom and then click on the "+ Rubric" button. Why can't this already be made available in the assignment edit mode? 
    • Offer it as an option between "Points" and "Assignment Group" similar to the checkbox options for "Group Assignment" and "Peer Reviews".
    • Once selected, a list of the rubrics currently active in the course appears in a drop-down menu.
    • Selecting the rubric automatically populates the points value above it (if the option is selected to have all rubrics be used for assignment grading as I discussed above in feature #1).

These features would save course designers an incredible amount of time while reducing frustration, stress, and marital strife.


🔎 This idea has been archived. While this idea isn't open for comments, it is an important part of Instructure’s idea conversations and development process. Contributions like this are valuable as Instructure prioritizes work on new or existing features.

Community Member

Ooh, I have to make a correction...it looks like the first/left column in the course list I talk about in #3 is sorted alphabetically. 

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Archived

Hi @JamesSinger -

Thank you for taking the time to share your insights about Rubrics! This clearly took a lot of time and effort! You have some REALLY GOOD ideas that I think many instructors would enjoy.

For our Idea Process, each enhancement needs to be its own thread. Because there is so much included in one thread, that's the main reason why I'm marking it as Archived. (It will be easier to cut/paste the needed parts into new threads than to edit this one.)

How do idea conversations work in the Instructure Community? 

How do I create a new idea conversation in the Instructure Community? 


I went through each line, and while I wasn't able to find existing requests for each thing you proposed, I did my best to connect some of your needs/wishes with already-existing Ideas. While they aren't identical in some cases, I hope they act as a starting point. Feel free to join any (or all!) of the conversations and rate (star) the idea.

Rubrics should default to "use for grading" 

Finding Rubrics 


Anything I wasn't able to connect can definitely be resubmitted as their own idea. Thank you for collaborating! 🐼