[Gradebook Settings] Grade entry should not scroll to next column

Sometimes I enter an assignment for which I give everyone credit.  So I quickly enter the completion grades, scrolling down the column in the gradebook.  The trouble is, if I'm going fast, the cursor automatically scrolls to the top of the next column in the gradebook and starts overwriting scores in that column.  It should not do that--it should stop at the bottom of a column.

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Improve Gradebook settings options Theme Status: Identified

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Instructure Alumni
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Thanks for sharing this idea, @ibphysicsteach . As it moves forward for broader discussion, consider entering completion grades for an assignment via the default grade functionality:  How do I set a default grade for an assignment in ... When I was grading large enrollment courses, this feature saved me a lot of time.

Community Explorer

Default grade--I didn't know that exists--that is extremely helpful--thank you!

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

You're welcome, @ibphysicsteach !

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Status changed to: Added to Theme