[People] Hide Inactive Enrollments on People Page

Student enrollments which have been set to the "inactive" status currently show up on the People page tagged with the "inactive" label. We are now using the inactive status for students who have enrolled in a course, then dropped it after the start of the term. In large enrollment courses, these inactive enrollments will begin to clutter the People page when there are many of them. Please provide a method for hiding inactive enrollments on the People page, perhaps similar to the way they are hidden by default in the Gradebook (and can be shown by selecting "Show Inactive Enrollments").

Community Contributor

Being able to toggle the inactive student view on the People page (having these enrollments hidden by default) would be great!  And if this isn't possible for some reason, at the very least, make it possible to filter by the 'active/inactive' status of students (and have default setting be filtering for active?).

Community Contributor

Great alternative suggestions! Any way to alleviate the clutter of inactive students would be helpful. Maybe list them at the bottom, like Past Enrollments for courses?

Community Coach
Community Coach

Like in the GradeBook, it would be great if there was a way to hide/show students who have been marked as "inactive".

Community Novice

Showing inactive students in the grade book (and further showing them in other places without the inactive mark) does nothing but add to the time an instructor has to put into a course.  There's no reason to list them by default at all.

Community Contributor

You can also add my idea here about hiding inactive students on the Student Interaction Report:


I think there is definitely a need for more control on how inactive students show in the various parts of Canvas.

Community Contributor

Thanks  @akinsey ‌, I have voted your idea up too! I hope more people will see your idea now and vote for it.

Community Participant

The Canvas user experience would be improved by offering more consistency about hiding Inactive enrollments in both Grades and People.

Community Participant

We're currently doing the same exact thing and looking for the same exact functionality being requested. It'd be beyond useful and would also alleviate the email that I have to send out to instructors about what the inactive tag means. Let's just hide them all from the instructor view and leave them visible at an admin level!

Community Novice

This would be very helpfull for all instructors. Either list all "Inactive" students together at the bottom of the list, or hide them completely. Pleeeease. 🙂