Hide names in SpeedGrader in iOS app


Earlier guides to the Canvas iOS app indicate that it used to be able to perform anonymous grading in the SpeedGrader by hiding the names. In a recent update, this option has been removed. The option to hide names in SpeedGrader should be reinstated so that anonymous grading can be performed on a tablet.

Community Member

I agree! This is something I'm missing and I can see no reason for this option to be taken away. If the app is supposed to be for teachers it feels like an obvious option to have available.

Community Novice

As a TA, I would also really appreciate this feature. 

Community Novice

I can’t use the iOS app without this feature. It needs to be added back if the app is meant to be usable at all.

Community Member

How has this issue not been addressed yet?

Community Novice

I can’t grade on my iPad without this feature.  Please put it back.  I am finding the teacher app basically useless except for looking things up.  Can’t edit or do lots of other things.  Why did you do this, Canvas?

Community Explorer

Yes please!  Anonymous grading is an important feature and should be accessible on the iOS app too!

Community Explorer

I agree that this feature should be reinstated.   Anonymous grading is used in our institution for nearly all assignments and many of our teaching staff need/want to use an Ipad for marking.  This feature is a must have!

Community Explorer

I really like using my Apple Pencil to annotate students' handwritten work, submitted in a PDF file.

I hate that I must use a piece of tape to cover students' names while grading on my iPad.

Please restore this feature ASAP.


Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi All,

can you recheck this issue? It must not be a problem now.

Here is what I see today on an iPad:

File (12).jpg

Community Novice

I'm part of a teaching team and we have 12 sections of a course and we grade 2 weekly writings (as Graded Discussions) a week and do so anonymously. I can filter between sections, but I am not able to grade anonymously on my iPhone! Why not? I have an hour long bus commute to work and that's prime time to get grading done, but I can't because this is not a feature!


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As part of the new Ideas & Themes process, all ideas in Idea Conversations were reviewed by the Product Team. Any Idea that was associated with an identified theme was moved to the new Idea & Themes space. Any Idea that was not part of the move is being marked as Archived. This will preserve the history of the conversations while also letting Community members know that Instructure will not explore the request at this time.