Hybrid Course Format Option

  This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas


  Idea will be open for vote Wed. October 7, 2015 - Wed. January 6, 2016  Learn more about voting...


The Course Format Option came with "On-Campus" and "Online" options to choose from.  We need the obvious third alternative used by many that lies in between.  Please add a "Hybrid" option. [Some might want that to read "Blended" instead.]  We would like to integrate this Canvas setting with our format designation in our SIS as well.


David Weinberg-Kinsey

Cardinal Stritch University




  Comments from Instructure


This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas.

For more information, please read through the Canvas Production Release Notes (2016-03-12)

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

1.png?shared_name=p2gt0xop3ttmua5nw38fjjjn2pcn9sliThank you for your feature idea, David. To clarify, I would note that this feature idea is referring to the "Format" drop-down listed under course "Settings"

This idea will go up for voting on Oct. 7th.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

This idea is now open for voting. Smiley Happy



Thank You for taking the time and energy to submit and discuss your idea. Your feedback helps our product teams prioritize feature development so we can build a product you will love. Unfortunately, this idea has been archived because it did not meet the 100-vote threshold within the 3-month voting period. Learn more at: How does the voting process work for feature ideas?

Can archived ideas still become a feature?  Potentially. Archived ideas can be resubmitted by Community members. As people’s needs change, previously submitted ideas may gain additional traction. All feature ideas are evaluated as a whole and may influence product direction.

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Community Team
Community Team


Thank you to  @dwweinberg-kins  for submitting this idea. Your investment in this idea helped refine a feature which is now part of the Canvas! Smiley Happy

Community Explorer

Is it possible to add the "Course Format" as a demographic for disaggregation in the View Analytics portion of the managed account?

Community Team
Community Team

Royce.  That may need to be a separate request!

Community Explorer

Will do.

Community Novice

That is a great idea, I'm in the same situation with students that are "blended" or hybrid. They are in a separate category, since they are not entirely classroom or online. Students need to be clear as to which type they fall into also.

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New
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Community Team
Status changed to: Completed