Images in New Quizzes


Allow images to be embedded in New Quizzes - especially in matching and ordering in order to create question types that are more accessible for young students (PreK-2) and Learning Disabled students.

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Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Archived


We currently have an active conversation underway for the matching request. Please add your comments to New Quizzes: Rich Content Editor (RCE) for Matching Question Types (when the RCE is available, content creators will be able to use it to add images).

Another discussion, about the categorization question type, is ongoing at New Quizzes: Rich Content Editor in Categorize Questions

I wasn't able to find a conversation requesting the RCE for ordering responses. Because your idea contains two separate requests, we've archived it, but if you would like to share a new idea focused solely on adding the RCE to the ordering question type, please do so after reading through How do I create a new idea conversation in the Canvas Community? for guidance on writing singularly-focused ideas.
