Make Dashboard course colors optionally transparent


The colors to identify classes on the Dashboard are very helpful, but I want to add an image to my class and the overlying color options are too dark to see the image well. Hex codes for colors can be modified with an additional two digits to make the color transparent, but the Canvas color hex codes only allow for 6 digits, not 8 or 10.

So, consider adding the flexibility of longer color hex codes to allow for transparency of course background colors.

Community Explorer

Image without color added.Image without color added.Image in the actual Canvas course.Image in the actual Canvas course.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Archived


Canvas users can toggle off the color overlay on their course cards themselves by following the instructions in How do I use the Dashboard as a student? - Canvas Community  As this is already user-controlled functionality, we've archived the idea.