More Math capabilities in Quizzes, specially in answers.


The math implemented to write Classic Quizzes is extremely poor, even in New Quizzes (slightly less poor).  My suggestion is to bump up the math writing capabilities in both quizzes (Classic and New). 

Here is just an example
     1. Matching Question: Match the corresponding formula with the area of the shape.
       a) pi r^2                        answ: Area or circle
      b)  \frac{b\cdot h }{2}    answ: Area of triangle
      etc, etc, etc,

   Math instructors needs to also to type math in the answers, currently, you do not have the capabilities of typing math formulas in the answers. Matching is just an example, but all of them (except multiple choice) do NOT allow math typing at all. 
   Canvas friends:  You have been receiving these suggestions for more than five years.  I am wondering what is stopping you from making progress in this regards. 


P.S. Just write me, I have plenty of suggestions regarding math, you can even add a new section quiz engine called "Math Quizzes".

Community Member

What I mean by "math typing" is typing your equation in LaTeX.  Yes Canvas people, I know you have the rich editor where you can insert an equations. I do not mean that, I mean that 

        "In the body of the question, yes, you can insert equations or just type in LaTeX, but in the answers to the question, NO, you do not have a way of inserting or typing math in LaTeX"


Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Archived
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni


Thanks for sharing this idea.

Please add your helpful comments to one or more of the discussions currently underway:

Our developers are no longer developing new functionality on the code base for Old (Classic) Quizzes, which is scheduled to be deprecated some time next year, so we have archived this idea.

We encourage you to search the Idea Conversations forum for other related ideas to support. and if none of the existing conversations essentially cover what you're hoping to see developed for New Quizzes, please create a new idea conversation at that point.
