[Assignments] Move or Delete Incorrectly Submitted Assignments

If a student submits an assignment to say week 2 folder when it should have been submitted to week 3, currently there is no way to move that assignment to the correct location as the Teacher.  This core functionality exists in all other LCS.LMS and should be considered for inclusion in Canvas's core modules.


Brought over from the old Canvas Community

Submitted by: Michael Black

Date: 6/3/2011

Votes: 112

Community Member

Students have submitted PDFs into the wrong assignment. I would like the ability to move their submitted PDF to the correct assignment without having to ask the child to do it again, possibly just repeating the same issue.



Community Explorer

I can't seem to the vote for the idea (this new interface really isn't intuitive), but a tutor has just asked me if this can be done. So voting it up in a comment on their behalf

Community Explorer

I know this thread is a bit old, but I have found I'm in need to delete a submission by a student in terms of group work issues. I put students into project groups. I have a group called "other" for when students haven't been active in class. One of those students (SA) came and started participating more. They were given a group to join. However, I didn't have time to move them in the Canvas groups before they submitted a group assignment. So SA submitted an assignment that populates in the "other" group, which they are no longer a part of. A member of their new group (GA) submitted the assignment, so SA will get a correct score for their work with GA. However, the members of "other" can see their assignment and it looks like an assignment has been submitted for them, when in fact it has not. 

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Comments from Instructure

Followers of this thread might be interested in the new admin functionality in the Canvas Deploy Notes (2020-12-02) - Canvas Community:

For admin roles, SpeedGrader displays a Delete button next to submission files. This change allows admins to manage inappropriate or submissions or submissions that otherwise need to be removed from a course.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Comments from Instructure

Followers of this thread might be interested in the new admin functionality in the Canvas Deploy Notes (2020-12-02) - Canvas Community:

For admin roles, SpeedGrader displays a Delete button next to submission files. This change allows admins to manage inappropriate or submissions or submissions that otherwise need to be removed from a course.

Community Explorer

I searched for it, but I could not find that button yet. Or, it will be there in a few weeks?

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

@zwenneke You should be able to see it in your beta instance and in live instances when the deploy is released to production.

Community Participant

This obviously necessary feature should have been implemented in the first place, but now 5 years after the original post, that it is still not implemented is indefensible. There is absolutely no good reason for not implementing this feature. I cannot tell you the number of times a student has submitted a solution file to the wrong assignment and how convenient it would be for ths instructor to handle this by a simple move operation. Come one Canvas, please support us instructors, don't make our jobs harder than they already are.

Community Member

Still nothing? I used this feature regularly in Bb. When a student is taking a quiz and accidentally submits or their internet crashes before they're finished, I can't clear out their submission so they can start again. There is literally no way to allow them back in to take the quiz without changing the settings for all students to allow multiple submissions (which I don't want to do), watching closely to see when the individual student submits their second one while hoping no one else does, and then changing the settings back again. This is supremely frustrating and completely unnecessary.

I don't have any Delete option in Speedgrader.

Community Novice

It is really absurd to me that teachers cannot correct errant submissions without having to send a list of corrections to our Canvas Admin.

3 different situations I am trying to fix:

1. Students upload a blank unedited version of a document, and the grade pages shows it is submitted. - Discussion: in this virtual realm with most students still novices at file management, I have issues with students downloading an assignment, working the assignment, and then uploading the original page. Many of our students we never get to talk to face to face. So - they think they have submitted the assignment, and it just isn't grade. If I could delete it, I could get them to understand they made a mistake and correct it.

2. Students upload the wrong file as a submission. See above.

3. Recently had to build in "substitute lessons" and have them up on Canvas ready if as sub takes over. The issue is some of my hard charging students did the work without the instruction (they do not see the big banner "DO NOT DO THIS ASSIGNMET UNLESS DIRECTED BY SUBSTITUTE" - and now they will have issues if there is an actual substitute - they will think they did it.

Deleting a submission is no different than handing a paper pack to a student and telling them to correct and resubmit - so why is this feature not available? Makes no sense...