[New Quizzes] Display Quiz Time on Moderate Screen

Problem statement:

New Quizzes is missing parity in displaying quiz time for extending time while Moderating a student. With Classic Quizzes, when you extend the time of a student, for example with an accommodation for time and a half, you can see that the time for the quiz is currently x-amount of time. With New Quizzes, I have to go to Setting, look at the time, remember the time, and then go to Moderate.

Proposed solution:

A display showing how long the quiz is set to for students. When you click on the pencil for a student, it pops up their name with the Time adjustments drop down. If you could have it display how long the quiz time length is just below the drop down or just below the student's name, that would be perfect. Then I can just go straight to moderate and accommodation to adjust the time and know how much extra time to give the student, based on a set accommodation.

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Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Moderating

Hi @jillmallek -

Thank you for sharing this idea with the Community! Before I open the thread for discussion, I wanted to share these resources. If you set an accommodation (1.5x, for example) at the course level, it applies to all of the assessments a student accesses in New Quizzes. That time limit multiplier may allow you to accomplish what you describe.

How do I moderate a student's quiz attempt in New Quizzes? 

How do I add accommodations for a student in New Quizzes? 

If I am misunderstanding the proposal, I apologize. Would you expand upon the need just a little more so I can better identify what you're suggesting? I look forward to collaborating!

Community Participant

Sorry, the form to submit an idea didn't seem to have a place to put a picture, for clarity. 

This is just a parity issue. This is what it looks like in Classic Quizzes:


In New Quizzes, it doesn't give me that preview. Here is what it looks like (I had to block out a student's name, since you can't see Test Student here):


You can adjust the time. But you can't see what the time the quiz has currently. So now I would have to cancel out of this, swap to Settings tab, look at the time limit, remember the time limit, go back to Moderate, click on the student, and adjust the time - and hopefully still remember how long the quiz time is set for.

Our Disability Resource Center works with us to do 5+ adjustments a day. This is minor, but for those of us in the weeds, this is a huge "fix" for parity that is needed.

Community Participant

I just actually clicked the second link you provided, and that is neat. I hadn't realized you could adjust based on the multiplier. I still would love to see how long the quiz timer is on this screen though. I don't think it would be detracting, and it could be helpful.

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Status changed to: Open
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Status changed to: Added to Theme