[New Quizzes] Immediate feedback in quizzes

Many times, we write quizzes that get progressively more difficult. I would love a feature where students can get grades as they go on a quiz. In other words, they can submit their answer for question 1 and see correct answers and/or comments before they have to submit their answer for question 2.  By doing such, a student could determine if they are on a completely wrong trajectory before failing an entire quiz. This can maximize effectiveness of instructor comments, identify key basic misunderstandings before advancing, give immediate feedback for the student, and allow the quiz to be both a learning and assessment tool.


Currently, the only option to do this is to create multiple one question quizzes instead of a single multi question quiz. This is not only cumbersome, but can be awkward within Grades (especially if you have settings to drop high/low scores)

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I have lost so many valuable hours at this point because the only platform I had available to me that provides immediate feedback keeps crashing. Look Canvas, I just need you to incorporate this. It shouldn't be too difficult. I'm potentially going to have to make a quiz in which in between the questions is a more generalized answer for the student to review. I don't want that. They won't pay as much attention, and it won't be as valuable, and we all know they don't review each question on a regular quiz where the answers are shared at the end. At best they review only the ones they got wrong, rather than also the ones they luckily got correct. It's ridiculous there isn't a solution for this when research shows that this increases learning, and there's a ton of threads calling for this.

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Just adding my two cents. Am creating my first new quiz for a student orientation, and my amazement that this has been a topic for over two years with no resolution is the only thing greater than my amazement that there is no option for formative quizzing in Canvas to begin with.

Mini quizzes with instant feedback are a great way to get students to actually think instead of just skimming text and video - it's one of the only interactive features in Canvas! - but if the feedback isn't instant, the learning won't be as reinforced - in fact, they just end up skimming a long feedback page at the end, trying to relate the feedback to a question they saw 15 minutes ago and can't remember how they answered!

We've come a long way from closed book blind quizzes where you learn nothing new, and sincerely hope to see this feature implemented soon.

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I've found a "work around" with the old quiz style. You simply put text between each question providing the question and answer to the last one. It's not great if you are likely to have a high level of cheating, but I teach law students and cheating means expulsion and potentially never passing the character & fitness portion of the bar exam.

It looks tacky though, and it constantly asks the students, are you sure you want to continue you haven't answered the question! Even though there is no question to answer…

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I teach Spanish, and when we used Moodle, I created extensive Workbooks out of the Quiz option. Let's say there were 25 sections, and section 1 had 20 subquestions. They could check their answers for section 1, see which ones they got wrong, fix them, and then move on. For language learning, the ability to redo questions and learn from your mistakes is critical. The instructor could turn this option off.

After all of the money our institution has spent on migrating to Canvas, I am absolutely appalled that it does not have the same functionality. I allow multiple attempts, and the student has to reenter every single answer, even the ones they got wrong? What a waste of time.  

Community Explorer

I sometimes use New Quizzes for Stimulus-only style assignments. Using it for Interactive Lessons and not so much as a quiz. 

I would love students to get immediate feedback for questions. 

Also, I would love students to be able to view these lessons as regular assignments for review.

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   I've done some experimenting with quizzes, and as far as I can see there is no way to check answers without submitting the quiz as done, and thereby all answers are revealed. As a Maths teacher, I'd like to have a worksheet/exercise mode whereby students can get the answers to each question as they do them, thus picking up right away any mistakes they are making. As is stands now, a student could keep making the same mistake throughout the quiz and not find out until they've finished. The only way you could do it now, as far as I can see, is to make a quiz for each question, which is obviously very burdensome.


   And, if you do implement such a thing, it'd also be good to be able to put some criteria into it such as if a student gets 3 correct (or similar) in a section (e.g. "question 1" might be a section that has parts a-h) then they can skip to the next section (thus not making the advanced learners waste too much time on the simpler questions).




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We have been using the crazy amazing Quiz module in Moodle for almost 10 years. Our school district has been thinking to migrate to Canvas due to its integration with PowerSchool. There are several things that Moodle can do that Canvas can't but we are trying to look past most of them because the PS integration is so important. However, having the students be able to check their answers as they go along is a MUST HAVE for us. All of our practice problems are not graded but they have to get enough correct on a quiz to demonstrate their "readiness level" and also "open" up the test for them to attempt. Until this is implemented we cannot in good conscience purchase Canvas for our district. It is just too valuable to student learning.

Community Novice

It would be nice to have a "check" button for multiple choice questions. And then allow feedback to be shown. And then allow students to try the question again.


Most kids KNOW information, but need help deciphering questions. This would help tremendously for students to learn from their mistakes on test questions!

Community Member

This is essential for online learning. Please make this happen ASAP.