Overview of Rubrics and where they are attached


The whole rubrics structure needs to be improved in Canvas.

When I import a rubric in from Blackboard, I can't change the order of the columns. By default, Canvas goes from best to worst. Example:
But if the import went from worst to best, there is no way to reorder the columns.

Rubrics should be editable, even if they are connected to multiple assignments--at least until the first day of the course, or until the first assignment is turned in. When I have one rubric attached to thirty different discussion questions, I certainly do not want to delete the rubric and start over, then have to reattach!!

In Blackboard, I could access an overview of all assignments and all discussion questions in one list, and see which rubrics were attached to what. If I accidentally missed attaching a rubric, I could immediately see it and attach it from the overview area. Very handy!!

Currently, when I student is in a discussion post and wants to post their initial response, they cannot automatically see the attached rubric. They have to click the three dots in the upper right-hand corner and "Show Rubrics". The rubric should show up by default below the DQ.

There should be clear instructions about points, range and criteria, which there currently is NOT. Users should be able to set up each criteria and assign each criteria points, the sum of which should equal 100. The range should be defined as from best to worst (or vice versa), and the range of points should equal the sum of the points for that criteria.

Many changes are needed.


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Community Champion

@LynnCagle ,

First, as an Idea exchange there are probably too many distinct ideas to include in one posting.  I'm going to try to address most of your items though and point you to some existing ideas already related to this.

Before I begin though I want to point out something with respect to comparing features to another product.  I've been through many LMS transitions over the years and it's never easy.  Especially if you try to use the new LMS in the same way you used the previous one.  An LMS often can't do things the exact same way as another because intellectual property.  In fact, the particular LMS you mention has been notorious for filing lawsuits against other companies in these types of cases.  So with changing to new systems in general it's often about finding how things are done in this new system rather than trying to do it the same way as the other system.  It can be frustrating and taking time, but I've found that method to create the best success with faculty moving from one LMS to another.

Now on to the specifics; Column Order and editing.  You are correct that rubrics are bit rigid in terms of editing them.  Not only is it difficult or impossible to change the order or the ratings, it's also problematic to change the order of the Criteria after they have been created. The ordering of ratings from highest to lowest is something I'd say is just a difference between Bb and Canvas and just something to get used to.  I couldn't find any existing ideas to allow the editing or changing of ratings order, but there are existing ideas for better ability to edit, such as reordering the criteria.  https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Idea-Conversations/Editing-Capabilities-for-Rubrics/idi-p/364589

There is also already and Idea and discussion around being able to edit a rubric attached to multiple assignments https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Idea-Conversations/Allow-global-rubric-editing/idi-p/380291

The issue about not having Rubrics visible in a discussion the way they are in Assignments is something I've spoken to a bit.  I'm not disagreeing with you that it should be consistent and viewed the same as with assignments, but I've also struggled with where it would go.  If you have it display below the instructions and before the posts, it will push the posts further down the page and require more scroll to get to them, especially with long rubrics.  If you put the rubric below the posts then after a bunch of student posts it gets buried.  I have to think that is one reason Canvas built it the way they did, to keep it out of the way for accessing the posts themselves.  There have been ideas and discussions already on this topic and here is a link to the main one https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Idea-Conversations/Display-Discussion-Rubrics-by-Default/idi-p/37...

Regarding points, range, etc and instructions... I think the guides are pretty clear on how they work https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Instructor-Guide/How-do-I-add-a-rubric-in-a-course/ta-p/842.  And I have to disagree with you about points adding up to 100. While I personally like to have assignments worth 100 points, move faculty I've worked with do not.  I see assignments worth 5, 10, 25, 73, and even 25000 points in some courses so rubrics need to be able to be created to accommodate all point options, not just 100 points.  

So, some things to think about.  Canvas can't just be turned into working like Bb or any other LMS for reasons I already mentioned but improvements can certainly be made.  However, I'd suggest first "living" in the Canvas world of how those items work for a bit and then with any ideas/feature requests really think how they fit into the existing scheme of the Canvas environment.


Community Explorer


WOW! Thank you for such a thorough, well-thought out response! I really appreciate your feedback.

You are right, it’s never really a good idea to compare one product to another—both have good points and bad points. I will say that being able to see which rubric is attached to which assignment and which DQ is convenient, though!

I agree about editing the column order. I just need to accept that I need to rebuild our existing rubrics to Canvas’ framework.

I most appreciate your explanation about why rubrics aren’t immediately visible to students for DQs. That was a terrific clarification, and I will share it with my fellow instructional designers.

And finally, it was my mistake to say points should add up to 100. I shouldn’t have said that. I meant “whatever 100% is to the instructor”, but obviously I didn’t communicate well.

Again, thank you so much for the valuable feedback!


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