Parents: toggle view between children

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas


In the calendar I'd like to see a way to toggle the view from one child to another.  Vital for parents, teaching assistants and other observers.  Example:



This is not a new idea and has been requested before.  Thanks to everyone involved in the following pages: 

Parents Access to Canvas 

Community Novice

As a Parent of 2 children at the same school, I log into the Canvas Portal. I click on the Dashboard link and both of children's course are mixed together. Then when I click on the View Grades Link on the Right side of the Dashboard, i go to a page that continues to show me a mix of both of my children's course. 


I would like the ability to filter the Dashboard and the grades page ( by just one child at time. I'm fine with the default view of showing all linked accounts, but we need to be able to drill in to each child's performance and not have the view of both children mixed together.


I don't know how parents handle it with more than 2 kids, it seems as if the site would be unusable. 


I worked with Instructure several years and I even presented at InstructureCon when I was part of the Cisco Networking Academy. I know you all take User Experience very seriously, but you've overlooked the role of "Parent". Please spend a Sprint and add this filter. 


I saw where a similar thread form 2015 was posted on this very same issue. I don't want to access my students information through an App, I want to use the Desktop Interface.

Community Member

YES!  This really needs to be implemented.  I have twin girls, and I can tell them apart, but I can't tell their classes apart in the UI.  I have to have multiple tabs open so I can cross reference which classes belong to each kid every time I want to browse their upcoming assignments.

One trick I figured out was to color-code all of the classes for one kid a certain color, and the other another color. At least then they're color coded in the calendar. But that feels like a hack, not a solution.

Community Member

Attempted to submit a similar post!  Completely agree:

Currently on the Canvas mobile app it is easy to switch between each of my three children that I am observing. However, on the desktop website there is not the same ability. With three children at three different schools, the full website allows my wife and I to see more detailed information. Not having the ability to filter by each child, however, makes sorting through the information for each of their classes very cumbersome.

Community Member

I would also like to request the ability to filter by child.  I have four kids so in total I'm observing 30 classes this year.  More if you count both semesters.  It would be great to be able to filter the Dashboard and the Calendar by which child I'm checking up on at any given moment so I don't always have a list of 30 different classes to scroll through.

In addition, the web UI calendar only seems to allow 10 different class calendars to be shown at any one time so I can never see all of my kids' assignments for a date unless I scroll through the list of class calendars turning them on and off.

Thanks in advance!

Community Member

New parent observer to Canvas.  Our kids have hybrid learning and Canvas is the adopted platform. My immediate thought upon pairing with my 3 students is "I need to View Per Student".   This is a cluttered view.  It needs to have the tech built into it to have the courses organized by student.  Please make this a HIGH priority.

Community Member

Wow, this issue is old...will canvas ever increase the limit of calendars allowed to be shown simultaneously or create a selected-child view on the web?  This is seriously needed, especially now that most schools have gone to online learning and this is how we get homework and assignments.  

Community Explorer

Could you please make it easier to view (observe) accounts for parents. If they have multiple children, they could be looking at upwards of 50+ course cards. Somehow, these need to be organized per child for easier visibility.

Community Member

As a parent observer, the 10 course limit in calendar view is quite annoying. It would be awesome if it were possible to link courses to individual students. Basically, having a custom filter that you could use to one-click enable a group of calendars would likely be useful to many users, but especially parents with mulitple kids. Being able to click on the filter to enable all the courses for Child A or B or C, etc.

Community Novice

As a parent, there should be a way to sort the dashboard by child. Currently, I have two daughters, and their courses are all jumbled together on the Dashboard. I want to see each child's course load all together.

Community Member

This is so needed.  Given our reliance on these tools in right now.  Its imperative that we be able to correctly view the situation by child.  I struggle for a whole child view.  I can easily see within assignments but not at a higher level.