Printable / PDF-exportable quizzes

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas
The Quiz Build page provides quiz printing options. For more information, please read through the  Canvas Release Notes (2021-08-21).

As an instructor, I want to be able to export a Canvas quiz as a PDF. This would enable me to easily print quizzes for the purpose of accommodation, for allowing a given student to take a quiz outside the timeframe established for the quiz for all other students, etc.


transferred from the old Community

Originally posted by: Pacific Union College admins

Special thanks for contributions from: Betsy Walker, John Louviere



Community Team Note: This idea remains open for voting. A virtually identical idea was moved forward for consideration in March:  Contrary to our customary practice, we are allowing both ideas to continue to move forward. Votes and feedback from both ideas will be evaluated.

Community Participant

This would certainly meet our needs!


Deactivated user

I think you have your answer...  Smiley Happy

Community Novice

I agree with the comments that this would obviously be a huge improvement. However, the "work on quizzes at a later date," comment concerns me given how long this has taken. The print out not including questions from the bank is an issue when instructors are required to save and print a version of their exams. I really appreciate the direction this is headed but hope it continues to see progress and does not get put to the side.

Community Champion

Enthusiastic YES! Thanks, Deactivated user​!

Community Champion

Deactivated user​ - YES!!! While not a total solution, this would be of great use and a nice benefit. Thank you!! Smiley Happy

Community Novice

This would be an enhancement that would REALLY be of value to my residential faculty teaching in a web-enhanced environment.

Community Novice

The fall semester is underway and I'm hoping there has been some resolution to this request. Any updates??

Community Participant

I agree.  I had another teacher ask about this yesterday.  An update would be greatly appreciated.  We have special education students who have paper copies of assessments are required by their individual education plan.

Community Champion

I would also really like to see an update on the progress of this

Community Team
Community Team

I'm going to piggyback on all of these comments too! Teachers in my building are asking about this, and I say "it's on its way." It would be great to have more details to share. Smiley Happy