Replace Flash with HTML 5

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas


Adobe's have announced that they will no longer be pushing flash development instead recognising that HTML 5 replaces much of the functionality that was once provided by Flash.


Please can Canvas remove the need for Flash across its Web platform as part of core functionality and replace it with HTML 5?


Comments from Instructure

For more information, please read through the .

Community Member

This issue is by far our most common technical support problem with Canvas - browsers with FLASH (mobile app doesn't require flash). 

Please bump this past the radar stage.  Thanks!

Community Novice

I believe there has been a statement regarding this on the community site for more than a year that it is being addressed by engineers.  Is there any indication of when Canvas will be Flash-free?  This is a pretty big issue in our language classes because they rely heavily on the audio/video recording feature in Canvas.  We would definitely love to see this move to the in-development phase this year.


Hi Kenny,

I am the product manager for BigBlueButton, which is the web conferencing system used for Canvas Conferences.  I work at Blindside Networks and, while I can't speak for Instructure, I can give you an update on our plans to move from Flash to HTML5.

You can expect to see a pure HTML5 version of BigBlueButton client released this summer targeting students on mobile devices.  Specifically, users of Android and iOS 11+ will be able to join the session and have the HTML5 client automatically load.  Once loaded, they will be able to fully participate in chat, audio, slides, annotation (multi-user whiteboard), respond to polls, view close captioning, participate in breakout rooms, and view screen sharing -- essentially all student activities except two-way sharing of webcams.  

The HTML5 client works alongside the existing Flash client, which means users on laptops/desktops/chromebooks would run the Flash client, as they do today, and users on mobile clients will be redirected to the HTML5 client.  In essence, we are increasing the reach of Canvas Conferences to mobile users while laying the groundwork to move to a pure HTML5 client in a subsequent update.

We invite you to check out the latest builds of the HTML5 client at


In the above example, you join from both the HTML5 and Flash client (on two different browsers), and see how the integrate together.  

Adobe has announced End of Life for Flash at end of 2020.  We'll have moved Canvas Conferences to a pure HTML5 client long before then.

Regards,... Fred

BigBlueButton Product Manager

I also moonlight as CEO of Blindside Networks 🙂

Community Participant

Particularly the Media Recording features of Canvas have some issues and it would be much better to have them in HTML5. 

Community Contributor

As a Mac user, I hate Flash more than JS, but this suggestion is a GREAT one. Keeping up with major OS updates is absolutely required by makers of drivers and APIs. I'm forever loading new versions of Flash just to use basic functions, both in Canvas and across the internet.

Community Participant

Just had another group of staff today who came to me today complaining that they had wanted to do Voice Recording feedback for a task but many of them couldn't get the Flash recorder to work. We've played with allowing flash, camera and microphone settings in Chrome, but no joy.

Super frustrating.

Community Champion

It's a big support issue at our school too gharbor how can we support many students trying to use something that's so finicky?  With the 2020 Flash end of life deadline, now is the perfect time to leave Flash behind wherever possible.  I was glad to read the engineers are working on it.  Can't be too soon for me.

Community Champion

One of our teachers just spoke with Canvas support and they said the media comment recorder would switch to HTML5 in the next few months.  Great!!

Community Team
Community Team


Thanks for sharing this information, but the timeline the support agent shared was just a tad premature.  We all hope that we're on track for having this resolved within a few months, but there is actually no defined ETA, yet.  We'll keep you posted on this thread when we know more.

Community Champion

Well thanks for clarifying,  @Renee_Carney .  I look forward to your updates on the ETA.