Rich Content Editor: Linking Internal Links in a New Tab


I am a third grade teacher.  I am trying to make a page that links to things like Canvas Quiz or Canvas Assignment. I would like it to open in another window keeping the current window opened when my students click on it.  This would make it so much easier for littles (k-4) to get to things with just linking from a page.  For example,  anything already in Canvas links to the canvas page, put it opens in the same window. IXL and others (external links) open in another window. I want that to happen with my Canvas links like Kami assignments and the quiz. I tried playing with the html but reading other chats and could not find how to... any HTML changes I made did not work.

I contacted Canvas Chat and was told there is no way to do this at this time.  They did tell me the keyboard shortcuts to teach students:

There are two ways to do it, they can right click and click the open in new tab. Or they can hold the Control / Ctrl key and if they click while holding that key it will open in another tab.

I think if Canvas made it easier for k-4 educators to use this with their students they would find a way to allow us to select to have any link we wish open in another tab.  

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
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Community Participant

The old RCE had a checkbox for all links to "Open in a New Tab" and the new RCE has removed that. I would like to request that be put back in. I know that external links are now automatically opening in a new tab, but sometimes we want internal links to open in a new tab and the process to do that is cumbersome:

  • Either edit the HTML directly and add target="_blank" or
  • Copy the link of the page, assignment, quiz etc. and add it as an external link

It would be much easier to click the Link Options button that appears when you link to something in the course and check the "open in a new tab" box. 

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