Select which courses go in Calendar Feed


Currently all of the courses for which I am registered go into my calendar feed. This is problematic for me. I want to be able to select which courses show up in the calendar feed, or to have a separate feed for each course.

Community Member

Only included certain courses into the Canvas Calendar feed should be a must. I am a TA for 3 courses and am currently taking 4 courses as a student. However, when I export the calendar to my Google calendar I receive notifications for all 7 courses, even though I only want to see 4 of the courses. This is very frustrating because my calendar shows assignments for classes that I am not even taking as a student. This makes it very easy to miss assignments because it is difficult to distinguish between assignments for my class and assignments for classes that I TA for. Therefore, Canvas needs to have an option to only import selected courses into the calendar feed. 

Community Member

I found a workaround!

Generally, when you click on Calender you go to the following link: 

If you go to a link instead with included course_id=fill in your course id here

Then you should come to a page with only a calender to your specific course. This link can then be added to Outlook.

Change the red text to your institution and course id which you can see by looking at your webpage address.




Community Member

@scott_wahl  I tried it and it worked for me! Thank you so much for sharing this! I ended up creating a separate calendar feed for each of my classes then subscribed to them in my calendar app. Unfortunately I did not have any luck using (course_id=####&course_id=####) or (course_id=####,####) to add multiple classes to one calendar feed, so each class needs to have a separate calendar feed. While this is not the optimal solution, it is a great workaround in the meantime! Thanks again!

As a sidenote: you can find your course_id by clicking on your course in canvas and it should be the number that is at the end of the url.  

Community Contributor

Maybe I am doing something wrong but I am using the "From URL" option for Google Calendar and the link that I created based on @scott_wahl example ( is not working.

Do I have to wait for Google Calendar go "fetch"? How long?

P.S. While in Canvas, if I go to I am able to see a calendar for a specific course so it appears to be working but not within Google Calendar.

UPDATE on 2021-11-03: I was able to get this working for me using the method from Scott.  After going to, you can find the "Calendar Feed" on the right-side.  Link on it and a dialog box will appear.  Copy that link and paste it into Google Calendar using the guidance in the link in the Canvas Community. It will take a few minutes for the name of the calendar to update to the name of the course.

Community Member

I want to echo the call for the ability to import / sync the Canvas Calendar to other calendar apps on a course-by-course basis. Many of our faculty are added as support staff to other instructors' courses but want the ability to import only their own Canvas course's calendar events to their Outlook Calendars. 

Community Member

We have had staff at our institution ask for this as they want specific courses shown as opposed to every Canvas enrolment they have. Would be good if this could be expedited.  

Community Member

Simple Story:

I am a user

As a student role, institutions enroll students into superfluous enrollments which post events to the calendar which are not critical. for instance events and workshops unrelated to actual course material. 

Additionally, instructor role users wish to organize the content of critical importance to running their individual classes. and have no intent to see events unrelated to that.

users currently are forced to include all details and events that do not need to be exported. and users complain about the UX because it reduces operational efficiency and is a usability issue. 

The end objective for the user is to export an ICS weblink that applications such as Google Calendar, iCal, Outlook, etc which have filtered the extraneous events based on criteria such as the Class to things extended from the class which consist of events denoted by an icon in the Web Calendar: Quiz/Exam, General Scheduled Event demoted as in the CSS of the review of an event icon "icon-calendar-month", Assignment and finally Announcement" 

The End.

I am proposing this suggestion because the current implementation doesn't allow any filtration of exports. the Web-View of the calendar allows filtration by Class itself however for organizations or users who wish to utilize the ICS export not even this functionality exists. 


Community Novice

Feature to paste calendar feed of ONE class, as opposed to all classes, into external calendar.

Community Novice

There should be a way to unsubscribe from other calendars, especially when syncing to a google calendar. For example...

in my institution each class has 2-3 instructors, the lead is the actual teacher and the second is the co lead who is like an assistant, then there may be a 3rd who is assigned to the class for didactic or for administrative purposes. So I may be assigned 8 classes in Canvas, even though I am only really active in 3. So when I sync my canvas calendar to my google calendar I get the events from all 8 classes in my google calendar. Currently I have 47 events this week in my google calendar that have nothing to do with me or my courses. Due dates, appointments with instructors.... all stuff on my calendar that is just taking up space and making my google calendar unusable, so I can not keep the two calendars synced, which is creating more work for me... it's very frustrating. 

Community Member

I am a student and have been an instructor. This is an issue for students.

I would like to, in the "Calendar" tab of Canvas, under "CALENDARS" on the right side, be able to get a Calendar feed for only one or a subset of all of the calendars on my user. Otherwise, when I import this calendar feed into an iCal calendar manager (Google Calendar, iCal, Outlook, etc.), I am getting lots of entries I do not want. I think this would be a very useful feature to add. At our institution, the majority of students imports the Canvas Calendar into their own calendar manager.

Community Novice

You can currently not have classes you choose show on the calendar, but that does not apply to the ical link. 

Community Participant

I too would love to select which course calendars feed through. As a part time instructor and full time instructional designer I only want to see the calendars for the courses I'm teaching, not the ones I'm helping instructors work on (or ones I'm using for testing). Thanks!

Community Contributor

We have a tool deployed in our local Canvas installation that appears on the users account menu and allows them to easily sync their entire Canvas calendar to common calendar clients (Outlook, Google, iCal) as well as allowing the user to sync the calendar for a single course. You can see the documentation for it here:

This is how it appears to users (it prefills the URL of the calendar in the externals sites so users don't have to copy and paste):

Screenshot 2022-11-28 at 17.34.05.png

Status changed to: Archived
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As part of the new Ideas & Themes process, all ideas in Idea Conversations were reviewed by the Product Team. Any Idea that was associated with an identified theme was moved to the new Idea & Themes space. Any Idea that was not part of the move is being marked as Archived. This will preserve the history of the conversations while also letting Community members know that Instructure will not explore the request at this time.