Shortcuts or tags/enclosures for math formulas


Many math teachers using Canvas are already familiar with LateX. It will be better to have better LaTeX integration within the rich text editor via the following:

1. If a teacher types a line of text including LaTeX codes, he can convert the LaTeX code by simply highlighting it then pressing a keyboard shortcut.

2. In Moodle, typing laTeX inside \( \) converts it into an equation. In Wordpress, typing $latex $ between LaTeX code converts it into an inline formula. I suggest a similar feature, with different enclosures for in-line and off-line formulas.

3. Add LaTeX to Canvas export via XML. Moodle has this and it is so convenient. Right now, I have to make my quizzes in a TeX editor first, paste them in Canvas, then convert all the math expressions ONE BY ONE! Not everybody has Blackboard or other paid services that can convert a LaTeX quiz to QTI. 

It used to be that when I type LaTeX within the rich text editor, I just highlight it and click the formula button. Now, you've made our lives worse by removing the formula button in the default tools. I have to click the three dots to show the formula button, which has just added a lot of work, especially if my sentences contain multiple math expressions.

Please consider these features for the convenience of math teachers. Right now, Canvas seems to be inconvenient for teaching math, especially when it comes to creating quizzes. I am going back to Moodle until these features are added. Please be an LMS fit for 2021.

1 Comment
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Archived


Thanks for sharing all these ideas about improving the LaTeX editor functions. The Idea Conversations forum is designed to accommodate singular requests for improvement to a feature or function, so we've archived this idea; a teacher favoring one, but not another, of the suggestions would be unable to apply an appropriate rating that reflects that. Please read through How do I create a new idea conversation in the Canvas Community? for guidance on writing singularly-focused idea prompts.

(For context, I'm including this reference source for others who come across this conversation: How do I use the Math Editor in the Rich Content E... - Canvas Community )