[People] Sort Students in People List: Course

@people list is alphabetical by last names, which is not helpful. Please add sorting function by "First Name", "Section", "last Activity" and "Total Activity". All other tabular lists should be sort-able as well.

Add Group to the columns and Sort by group is needed as well. Jan 26, 2018 @kristine Hansen @dale Anne Davidson

Profile Picture Name Login ID SIS ID Section Role Last Activity Total Activity


The sorting function has been available in Proctorio Exam Results for a while.

When will the Canvas development team pay their attention to this as a production priority because an overall sorting function is required for ALL tabular lists in Canvas!!

Community Novice

Please add the ability to sort by class sections in People.  It makes tracking student engagment and attendance a nightmare without being able to sort by section.  

Community Novice

Please allow us to choose the way we can sort. It is not user friendly right now

Community Member

I would love to have the ability to sort people by the last time they logged into Canvas (in chronological order with the most recent login at the top). I would also like to sort people by my class sections. Thank you for considering my request!

Community Member

This would be incredibly beneficial in so many ways! 

Community Member

Agree! Filters would be a great help in these areas!

Community Explorer

Yes - any type of sort function on the People page would help teachers tremendously. Especially now that teachers are now taking attendance based on activity/participation in Canvas, this added functionality would save teachers so  much time.

Community Novice

The grade book has a section filter, and then you get to people and have to scroll through 100's of students. Very inconvenient and it would be nice to see the people roster by section or even other sort options mentioned by others here.

The search bar is nice, tho.

Community Novice

Please add ordering and filtering options to the people page. Thank you

Community Member

Please add the helpful implementations...The people page is not listed by class period and is very time consuming to complete attendance, and check for progress or completed assignments. We as teachers are now taking attendance based on activity/participation in Canvas, this added functionality would save teachers so much time.  I am working through the evenings just to record attendance properly for students and it is not fair for families and or teachers to have this much attention after hours to complete their work.  In a time that we need technology to be our BEST FRIEND, we need it now to work in our favor.

Community Member

Yes! The ability to sort students by section for attendance in distance learning would be so helpful!