Update Your Documentation to be Accurate or Remove the "This Course" Item Banks Filter

Problem statement:

The "This Course" filter for Item Banks does not work and has never worked. When I reported this to Instructure and asked for the filter to be removed or for the documentation to be updated to indicate that the filter is not working, it was recommended to me that I should put in a feature request.

Proposed solution:

Remove the "This Course" filter OR update the documentation to reflect that the filter is not currently working as designed.

User role(s):



🔎 This idea has been archived. While this idea isn't open for comments, it is an important part of Instructure’s idea conversations and development process. Contributions like this are valuable as Instructure prioritizes work on new or existing features.

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Moderating
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Archived

Hi @james_whalley -

Thank you for sharing this with the Community Team. I created a ticket requesting for this to be clarified in our documentation. For that reason, the Idea Conversation is being Archived as it does not need to progress through the entire Feature Development Process.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Thanks @KristinL. Would you mind letting me know when the documentation gets updated?

Community Team
Community Team

Hi @james_whalley - The Documentation and Product Teams are collaborating to determine the next steps. I'm sorry that I can't share a specific timeline for the changes.

Community Coach
Community Coach

@KristinL Why can't the documentation team just update the documentation to indicate that the filter is not currently working? That should only take a few minutes to update. There is currently inaccurate documentation, making all documentation seem less trustworthy.

Community Team
Community Team

Hi @james_whalley - I went back to the Documentation and Product Teams, and it was determined that what you are experiencing is a bug. Please reach out to Support by opening a ticket. I apologize for the inconvenience, but it will help our engineers fix the issue that prevents you from interacting with the feature as documented in our resources.

How do I contact Canvas Support?