How do I enable Impact in Canvas as a Dashboard LTI?

Integrate Impact into Canvas as a Dashboard LTI for users.

Note: Impact Manage is a Canvas Account permission associated with the Dashboard LTI. The Impact Manage permission toggles the visibility of the Impact Dashboard in Canvas. Only Canvas Admin who are also Impact Admin have access.

00:00:How do I enable impact in canvas as an LTI? 00:04:In the canvas Global navigation click the admin button. 00:08:In the admin menu open the developer Keys page. 00:12:Click the plus developer key button followed by + LTI key. 00:17:In the global navigation and impact click the settings icon. 00:21:Then hover the cursor over the instant settings menu and select the LTI 00:25:Keys link. 00:27:Click the plus add LTI key button. 00:30:Select the integration type and LMS domain then click the next 00:34:button. 00:36:In the configure LTI pop-up copy the configuration URL 00:42:Click the method drop down and select enter URL. 00:46:Insert the Json URL and key name 00:49:Then click the save button. 00:52:In the details column copy the developer key for your new LTI. 00:57:Toggle the developer key to on 01:00:If an impact instance is connected to multiple canvas instances. 01:03:There are multiple options. Click the correct LTI 01:07:version 1.3 and add the developer key from the canvas account. 01:13:Enter the developer key from canvas. 01:16:Click the generate key button. 01:19:The configure LTI confirmation screen will appear 01:23:Then click the Finish button. 01:26:Open documentation Dot 01:30:Select the app section 01:33:Then click the view app configurations button. 01:36:Click the Plus app button 01:39:Click the configuration type drop-down and select by client ID. 01:44:In the client ID text box paste the developer key. 01:48:Then click the submit button. 01:51:This guide covered how to enable impact in canvas as an LTI.

Open Canvas Admin Navigation Menu

Open Canvas Admin Navigation Menu

In the Canvas Global Navigation, click the Admin button.

Add Developer Key

In the Admin Menu, open the Developer Keys page [1]. Click the + Developer Key button [2] followed by + LTI Key [3].

Open Impact General Settings

Open Impact General Settings

In the Global Navigations in Impact, click the Settings icon [1]. Then hover the cursor over the Instance Settings menu [2] and select the LTI Keys link [3].

Click the + Add LTI Key button.

Configure LTI

Select the Integration Type: Dashboard [1] and LMS Domain [2]. Then click the Next button [3].

Copy Configuration URL

In the Configure LTI popup, copy the Configuration URL.

Canvas Key Settings

Click the Method drop-down [1] and select Enter URL [2].

Insert the JSON URL [1] and Key Name [2]. Then click the Save button [3].

Note: The Key Name can be unique to individual institutions.

Copy Developer Key

In the Details column, copy the Developer Key [1] for your new LTI. Toggle the Developer Key to On [2].

If an Impact instance is connected to multiple Canvas instances, there are multiple options. Click the correct LTI Version 1.3 and add the developer key from the Canvas account.

Note: If there is another Canvas instance that is connected to this Impact instance then you would have to generate a key for that LMS domain.

Add LTI Key in Impact

Add LTI Key in Impact

Enter the Developer Key from Canvas [1] and click the Generate Key button [2].

Configure LTI Confirmation

Configure LTI Confirmation

The Configure LTI confirmation screen will appear. Then, click the Finish button.

Create App Configuration

Canvas Settings Menu

In the Canvas Admin Navigation Menu, click the Settings button.

In the top navigation, click the Apps tab [1]. Then click the View App Configurations button [2].

Click the + App button.

Click the Configuration Type drop-down [1] and select By Client ID [2].

In the Client ID textbox [1], paste the developer key. Then, click the Submit button [2].