Course Evaluation Checklist

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni


Our Canvas Course Evaluation Checklist v2.0 is Now Available! Please visit our Course Evaluation Checklist v2.0 Blog Post to learn more about v2.0 and create your own copy of the checklist. We hope you enjoy! Smiley Happy


When Shauna Vorkink - Content Services Director first approached me about collaborating on a Course Evaluation Checklist with Erin Keefe - Training Team Lead and Deonne Johnson - Consultant, I was beyond thrilled. I knew this was something I could utilize in my current position as an Instructional Designer for Instructure, but even more importantly, it would provide the framework to ultimately help millions of Canvas users.

Potential Uses

  • Share this checklist with your colleagues
  • Apply the principles to your own course
  • Elevate the quality of your institution’s courses



The checklist is available via Google Docs "Make a Copy" so you can customize for your institution. Please select the following link for access: Course Evaluation Checklist Editable


Note: We ask that you maintain our Citation list located at the bottom of the document. 


:smileyinfo: Update

This checklist is now available in Spanish! Please select the following link for access: Lista de Evaluacion del Curso


:smileyinfo: Update 

Members of the Content Services team collaborated with Canvas mobile app guru,  @rseilham , to create another go-to resource to help you understand mobile app design considerations. Please be sure to visit the Mobile App Design Course Evaluation Checklist blog post to access this additional resource!


Please comment below. We’d love to hear from you!


Our Instructional Design team offers full Course Evaluations. Course evaluation services provide insight into best practices. Recommendations will focus on aligning course objectives, accessibility, and overall creation of an enhanced user experience. If you would like to learn more about our services, please contact your CSM or Shauna Vorkink - Content Services Director ‌at

Community Contributor

Hurray to Deonne Johnson for quietly, modestly, taking the lead on this checklist! I'll start using it as of yesterday.

Community Champion

Oh my word, just what I was looking for. Thank you Deactivated user

Community Contributor

Think this is something the future learning team can implement for the College  @david_summervi1 ‌ 

Great validation tool. Thanks for developing this!

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Deactivated user‌, asking on behalf of  @tobe_baeyens ‌: Is there a text (not PDF) version of the document available?

Community Participant

This is really great! As I look at this I'm also envisioning morphing this into a rubric-type document, but first I need to ask: What level of CC usage rights are being granted for this document? 

Community Coach
Community Coach

FWIW - I was able to export from Acrobat to Word pretty seamlessly for editing.

Community Participant

Now if my school district would only purchase Acrobat for me, I'd be golden Smiley Wink

Community Coach
Community Coach

Well pending on the answer to your question on CC, I might just be willing to post a link to the .docx version.

Community Coach
Community Coach

So what say you, Deactivated user? Can we convert and manipulate this for our specific needs?

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Thank you for the comments! At this time, we do not have an editable text version available for use. As you may see below, others have had success translating this PDF into a Word Document. Please feel free to do the same! We just ask that you maintain our Citation list located at the bottom of the document.

Thanks again! 

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Thanks for the question! Please feel free to use/edit/transform this document to fit your needs. We just ask that you maintain our Citation list located at the bottom of the document. 

Community Champion

Deactivated user,  @erin_keefe ‌, and  @deonne_johnson ‌ - Nice job all around on this document!  I have already forwarded it to a few of our faculty members here.  It is especially nice to see links to relevant organizations and sites embedded within it.  (One item:  it appears the link to the UDL Guidelines 2.0 will be changing by the end of June 2018, according to the very page you link to.) 

I hope that this becomes a bit of a "living document" that will be updated as needed for the Community. 

Thanks very much for this!


So glad this is a resource you see value in,  @kblack ‌! Thanks for that heads' up about the UDL Guidelines 2.0. We very much plan on it being a living document, and will update as needed!!

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

We'd love to hear how you've modified the checklist for your institution's specific needs. I presented atcanvascon2018 FIU yesterday and shared this resource. It was so fun to hear the excitement this checklist generated and so rewarding to see our efforts are appreciated. 

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

 @kblack ‌, THANKS for the kinds words and valuable feedback. We're already in the process of updating this living document based on feedback we've already received. This has been on my personal "wish list" for quite some time so it's so exciting to have it shared with the Canvas Community. We'd love to hear how others are using it! One of the things I love about Instructure and our community of users is the level of openness that exists. Love working for a company who's stated core values are trust, ownership, excellence, integrity, simplicity, customer experience, and openness.

Community Participant

I love, love, love this! What a great resource, so organized and concise. Can't wait to share with my colleagues!

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Thanks,  @holly_owens ‌! We'd love to hear how you and your colleagues use the checklist. Smiley Happy We're hoping this resource spreads far and wide! 

Community Novice

This checklist is fabulous - I love the rating indicators of what's expected all the way to exemplary.  Our faculty will appreciate this course development road map and supports the best practices will teach in our Canvas training courses. Thank you so much for doing this and sharing it!!!

Community Novice

Thank you for this clear and straightforward checklist!  It is easy to understand, and the "star" system is very helpful.  We will be using in our training for instructors!

Community Member

 @deonne_johnson ‌,  @erin_keefe ‌, and Deactivated user‌ - Thank you for this resource. It blows the document I use to help faculty out of the water. Everything I've been trying to say all neatly packaged. Your hard work is appreciated and we are grateful for you! 

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

 @tolinm ‌ - Thanks for the positive feedback!  

Community Novice

Love this, thank you! We've been using a well-known course quality rubric that has many of the same instructional-design components as this, but what I like about your checklist is the detail on universal design and especially information architecture & structure. This will be very useful.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Thanks Deactivated user‌! Here is a link to a Word version:

Course-Evaluation-Checklist.docx - Google Drive

Free the learning!!!!

**UPDATE** - Please see the comment by Lily below for the official link to a Google Doc "Make a Copy" version.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

 @shero  Thank you so much for the comment! It sounds like the checklist will be put to great use... which makes us super happy. 😃

Community Contributor

I turned all the items with one star into a little checklist that I added to our Canvas teacher course. It's a graded quiz. The quiz has one question with 15 checkboxes. Teachers do get 1 point for every item they check. The grades appear in the gradebook, so I can give feedback based on what (they say that) they did.

Community Contributor

We are using this across our College for a training afternoon on Tuesday. Will send through some feedback after that. I love this document, so hopefully, the other 200+ teachers will too. A great tool for organisation and validation of courses - very timely for us. Thank you!

#callaghancollegewallsendcampus#callaghancollege‌  @david_summervi1 ‌

Community Champion

This is a fantastic document and I copied it to a Google Doc with changes to its formatting. The link is set to copy. 

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Brilliant  @tobe_baeyens ‌! LOVE this idea. Thanks for sharing. Smiley Happy

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

This seriously makes my ❤️so happy! Love that you're sharing this with 200+ teachers and that you'll provide some feedback. Thank you,  @stacy_lambert ‌!

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi  @mjennings ‌! We now have a Google Doc "Make a Copy" version of the Course Evaluation Checklist available. Please select the following link for access: Course Evaluation Checklist Editable

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi  @stacy_lambert ‌! It is fantastic to hear you will be sharing this resource with such a large group of teachers. As an update, we've just made a Google Doc "Make a Copy" version of the Course Evaluation Checklist available. You can select the following link for access: Course Evaluation Checklist Editable

We look forward to your feedback!

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi lph‌! Thank you for your comment. 😃 We now have a Google Doc "Make a Copy" version of the Course Evaluation Checklist available. Please select the following link for access: Course Evaluation Checklist Editable

Community Champion

Very nice and very clean. 

Community Champion

Yours is much nicer. 

Community Coach
Community Coach

Thanks! I have removed my link in the comment above and redirected to your document to keep things a bit cleaner.

Community Explorer

This is fantastic!  Thank you.

Community Contributor

HI  @deonne_johnson ,

We have had 155 staff respond to the professional development afternoon evaluation so far for our College. For the session that we looked at the Course Evaluation Sheet, here are the responses.

Staff had to self nominate their class prior to entering and chose their level based on criteria on usage and training (first chart). The people from the Canvas entry and beginner classes were the staff that mainly rated the sheet the lowest as some are new staff just starting and didn't know a lot about what was on the actual sheet (which is fair - they worked on their own training modules).

I do believe the second chart demonstrates that the Evaluation Sheet has gained a bit of support and traction as 134 staff rated it a 3 or above - 5 being a high. This is a great result also considering it was the first session after a long day's work and the one before afternoon tea (they were tired and hungry - we call that hangry in Australia - angry/hungry Smiley Happy)

The analytics are basic, but a start for you at least.


Stacy #callaghancollegewallsendcampus#callaghancollege‌  @david_summervi1 ‌

270621_Canvas workshop levels.JPG

270620_Canvas workshop with eval tool.JPG

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

THANKS for sharing! And I completely agree with you, 87% hangry Smiley Wink participants rating the workshop 3 or higher is a success in my book! We're collaborating on some additional projects so stay tuned to this thread to keep in the loop. Smiley Happy

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

 @cdilgen-c ‌ shared a set of posters with me titled, "A set of posters on how to design for accessibility" and it's one of the most helpful resources I've encountered in a long time. Thanks, Claudia! You can read the "Dos and don'ts on designing for accessibility" blog post and download the posters from UKHomeOffice GitHub.

Community Contributor

Thanks for sharing this  @deonne_johnson ‌. Will pass them on to staff - great infographics and easy to follow. Cheers!

Community Participant

Excellent! I shared it with my team. Thanks so much!

Community Contributor

HI all, 

Further to this, we are looking at minimum standards for courses across our College to ensure consistency. The evaluation checklist has been an inspiration for this, it is very basic and most of the templates we speak about are created in Cidilabs. Any feedback would be great.

Canvas Standards



#callaghancollegewallsendcampus‌  @david_summervi1 ‌

Community Champion

 @stacy_lambert I LOVE this idea. It's a great model for others to use. It models your expectations and keeps them nice and high while having room for people to develop skills and knowledge along the way. 

It does highlight that you are confident, as a school, in your connectivity and your devices to be able to mandate so much, and open up for best practice to occur. I liked the examples you highlighted there especially. 

Unfortunately a few schools still don't have the luxury of reliable connectivity and devices. That seems to be a stumbling block for a few people to get started. 

I'm keen to know how you get on. Is this K-12? 

Community Contributor

HI  @Bobby2 ‌,

We are 7-10 on two campuses (1100 kids at ours, and 700 at the other one), 11-12 on the senior campus(about 750 kids there). We have a great bandwidth, and are on the NSW ET4L service. The Department of Education are working really hard to get schools sorted. Several years ago, before we embarked on any technology changes,  @david_summervi1 ‌ got the switches, electricity, cabling etc all fixed and upgraded prior to doing anything - the foundations were completely fixed for our journey. We also kept most of our DER laptops, when the second bank were rolled out, these are just being replaced now. We have approx 800 devices in the school and a BYOD policy. There are over 500 registered BYOD devices, however, not all kids are "allowed" to bring them to school for fear of damage. Our school is low socio-economic, and a good chunk of budgeting is saved for tech. We just keep plodding along with the 'if you build it, they will come' theory. 

Our teachers are all provided with devices, as they get old, some have purchased their own, others have requested new ones. We have a TSO 3 days a week and he keeps all our devices well maintained. 

It is a costly exercise, equity is always firmly in our minds, but we are hoping it all catches on with the students. The staff are determined to see all this succeed.

Community Champion

Top effort. Great example to us all  @stacy_lambert .

This is often key to the success of using an LMS, and using it well. 

Community Member

I completed the very long Canvas training course with all the assignments and quizzes at EFSC. It was well organized with specific pedagogical features, and it gave me a lot of practice. I learned how to use some new tools in Canvas. I realized that I need more practice. I hope to get more support and help if I have any problems using all the features in Canvas from the IT specialists at EFSC or on the Community Canvas Blog. I have used Canvas for all my classes at previous universities. It really helps instructors organize course contents, give assignments, discussions, grades, and support to all the students in face-to-face, online, and hybrid courses. Thank you for a well-developed Universal Design for Learning Principles and applying your pedagogical best practices for teacher training! @kimhardimanMarch 15, 2021


Community Novice

It is great information to know in order to help student.  

Community Novice

This checklist was both useful and comforting.  Useful, for obvious reasons.  Comforting because I realized that I was already instinctively using many UDL principles in my course design. I could already check all of the 1-star items, and many of the 2- and 3- star boxes. Now, the task of implementation is not so daunting.  Still, there is room for improvement ....