Learner-Learner Interaction

Community Champion

Learner Interaction promotes engagement, cognitive presence and retention in online courses. Research into the effectiveness of interaction with classmates is described on pages 13-14 of Learning Effectiveness Online: What the Research Tells Us. Out of the three types of interaction (learner-content, learner-learner, and learner-instructor), we find that learner-learner interaction usually requires the most focus when redesigning on-ground courses for the online learning environment. Interaction between students that occurs naturally in on-ground courses takes planning and design in the online environment. 

Ideas for Learner-Learner Interaction

  • Brainstorm ideas together rather than individually
  • Create concept maps together as they learn new topics throughout the course 

canva.com mind maps

  • Review each other's work and provide ideas
  • Locate examples of course topics (articles, websites, images, videos) as a team or with a group and share them with the class
  • Create study guides, flash cards, games, or poll questions then share with each other and the class





  • Teach each other course topics through image, audio, and/or video 
  • Write a collaborative paper or create a poster, video or presentation as a group or with a partner
    Google Drive Collaborations: Google Docs, Sheets and Slides
    Office 365 Collaborations: Word, Excel and PowerPoint
  • Create collaborative, visual assignments that achieve the same learning objectives as quizzes but are created with a peer or in a group

Canvas Collaboration Tools & Features that we suggest to instructors as they design for learner-learner interaction

Third-Party Collaborative applications that will embed within Canvas 

Please suggest any other ideas and tools that promote Learner-Learner Interaction! 

Community Champion

Thank you for this nice list,  @dejonghed07 ! I was glad to see Padlet mentioned here. I think that is a wonderful alternatives to the discussion board with a much more "we're here together" visual feel than the discussion board allows!

Re: Twitter, the last time I looked at the EduAppCenter Twitter tool, it did not support images or video media, but you can embed real Twitter widgets to include the media (which is also something I like about Padlet; Canvas discussion boards do not make it easy right now for students to share media). I have links here on how to do real Twitter widgets in Canvas:

Twitter4Canvas CanvasLIVE Slides – Teaching with Canvas 

Happy Co-Learning 🙂

And of course I have a growth mindset cat for that:

Growth Mindset Resources: My peers can be my teachers. 

my peers can be my teachers cat

Community Champion

Thanks, laurakgibbs‌! I didn't even think of using social media widgets in Canvas, even though I have embedded them within websites. They are more visual! Allowing students to share media is a huge benefit of using the widget instead of the app.

Community Champion

AGREED! I've always just built my classes outside the LMS because, before Canvas, all our LMSes were closed... now that we have switched to Canvas, I am really enjoying the process of learning which services integrate nicely with Canvas. Learning how to put javascript-widgets (like Twitter, Flickr, Pinterest) into the Files area and then iframe into the Pages was a big breakthrough for me, and that was thanks to help from people here at the Community. 🙂