Small Voices Many Votes

Community Champion

Hi Fellow Canvas Admins,

As the second month of voting winds down, I'd like to ask for your help one more time.  This feature request is *so* close to the minimum vote threshold necessary to be considered, but it is still just a little short.

If you haven't already done so (and I apologize if you have), please visit 'Course Format in SIS Import' in Canvas Community and lend your support.  Then, please share this link with your colleagues and friends to encourage them to vote for it as well:

This type of small, admin-specific feature request just doesn't have the big "wow factor" that other big, flashy, requests do that often get the big vote counts from instructors and designers, so I really need your vote -- as a fellow Canvas admin -- on this feature that could provide options and flexibility for our institutions.  Please keep in mind that this request is about options and flexibility for our institutions, and not mandated change to current processes that may be working fine at your institution.

Thanks for your up-vote!


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