Dear Teacher/Professor: Change the Due Date


Dear Teacher/Professor,

How often do you need to adjust or change a due date for an assignment? Canvas has a few easy ways to change due dates!

If you want to quickly change one due date (ie. “Oh we’re not going to be ready for that assignment on Thursday, let's bump it to Friday!”), go to the Calendar and “drag and drop” the assignment from Thursday to Friday.  Canvas will then:

  1. Notify the student (if the student has set their Notification Preferences for Due Date Changes),
  2. Adjust the assignment information in your course,
  3. Adjust the students’ To-Do list on the Dashboard and Course Home Page, and
  4. Adjust the Syllabus.

However, that only works if you are worried about a single due Due Date.  You cannot drag and drop the “Available From” and “Available Until” dates.

What if you want to adjust ALL the assignment dates (or the due dates for several assignments) at the same time! You can quickly adjust multiple dates using the Edit Assignment Dates option from your Assignment Index Page.  Just like dragging and dropping, Canvas will then:

  1. Notify the student (if the student has set their Notification Preferences for Due Date Changes),
  2. Adjust the assignment information in your course,
  3. Adjust the students’ To-Do list on the Dashboard and Course Home Page, and
  4. Adjust the Syllabus.

Hopefully this tip can help you feel more comfortable and confident using Canvas in your planning!


The Canvas Training Team