[ARCHIVED] Feedback on Best Practices Course Audit Form

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Hello all,

We're developing a "Best Practices" document that will ultimately be used both as a beginning of the term checklist for instructors, but also as a course auditing tool for myself as the Instructional Tech Coordinator and for Department Chairs when working with their constituent faculty. I was curious if anyone out here in the Canvas Community might provide feedback for the current draft. I realize that some of the material is specific to our institution (we are K-12 private - about 1000 Canvas users 5th-12th grade), but please insert your own wisdom and best practices for your schools. We tried to make the document as open-ended as possible, recognizing that faculty are varied in their style, but also in their level of Canvas knowledge. At the very least, this exercise will uncover key targets for training moving forward. It also opens up the interesting conversation of "require vs. recommend," which can get messy in a private school. The document is attached as a PDF.

Let me know what you think and please share how you approach training and course auditing with your own faculty.

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1 Solution
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Thanks for sharing this. Excellent resource!


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