How do I deliver a benchmark assessment in Clever?

Benchmark assessments in Mastery Connect can be delivered to the Clever student portal for students to complete the assessment there.

Open Benchmark

Open Assess Modal

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Home link [1]. In the Benchmarks list, find the benchmark you want to deliver and click the Assess button [2].

Edit Expiration

Enable Student Portal

To update the expiration time in the Edit Assessment window, click the Clock icon [1].  In the Expiration menu, select an expiration time, and click the corresponding radio button [2].  

To create a custom expiration time, click the Custom radio button [3]. Then, select the timezone, time and date when the assessment will expire in the Custom Expiration menu [4].  

To save your changes, click the Update button [5].

Deliver Assessment

Deliver Assessment

To make the assessment available in Clever, click the Student Portal toggle button on to display the green checkmark [1]. To save changes, click the Close button [2].

Note: To remove an assessment from the Student Portal, click the Student Portal toggle button off to remove the green checkmark.